Sunday 28 April 2024

“Hell’s Belles” - The First Helluva Short Starring Two Sisters

This is an analysis and review of a mini-episode of an animated series that contains content aimed at mature audiences, including:
  • Strong profanity
  • Hellish imagery
  • Strong cartoon violence, including blood
  • Flashing lights
  • One depiction of sexual harassment
Reader discretion is advised.
For quite some time, I believed that there ought to be some mini-episodes of Helluva Boss hat can answer a few unanswered questions, fill in plot holes regarding the lore and provide some new opportunities for certain characters. Much to my surprise, the first-ever Helluva Short was uploaded onto YouTube on the first day of this year’s LVL UP EXPO in Las Vegas [26] [57]. And yes, the helluva surprise even resulted in merchandise [44] [45] [59]. Additionally, footage of a duet between Stolas of the Ars Goetia and the Blitzster from “Full Moon”, the upcoming eighth episode of the second season left the audience at the convention starstruck and the third official trailer for the second season pumped up the hype, especially on YouTube the second day [10] [51] [70] [71]. Thirdly, there was a Hazbin Hotel panel on the third and final day [68]. Reflecting on the impact of the first-ever Helluva Short [78], I believe that a series of mini-episodes can be useful to increase the credibility of the first season of Lackadaisy as well [14] [100] [101]. As Fortnite fanatics continue to rock with Billie Eilish in the third season of Fortnite Festival and Sonic supporters experience Knuckles the Echidna’s progression in a live-action series centred on him on Paramount+ [24] [62], let us join two sisters on their girls’ day out in the first mini-episode of Helluva Shorts [57].
This is certainly a surprise from the depths of the VivziePop circles of Hell. They say that Millie needs to blossom from being one-dimensional [6], but now is the time to discuss how that wish has been granted. [37] [40] [77]
Oh! And has the merchandise given Primark any ideas by now? Surely, the Hellaverse equivalent of the shop I often went there with my mum and my sister would be called “Crimark” [97]. [59]

Finally! Some focus on Mildred Knolastname that does not come with a big risk of affecting her husband’s portrayal (that will be explained later) [55] [57]! Despite her annoyance towards her sister at times in “The Harvest Moon Festival” [54], it turns out that she ultimately loves her and is adorably excited when she arrives in Imp City to the point when she squeals in delight…only to accidentally hug a stranger [57]. The prime aspect of her new development after the events of “Unhappy Campers” is how she apologises to Sal after she opens up regarding how she seems to not bother coming over to her homering more often and tells her that there will be plenty of time to stay in touch with her to go around [54] [55] [57]. There may have been some vengeful backlash against the second season of Velma already [19] [21] [61] [84] [85], but I am delighted that “Hell’s Belles” has proven that Millie can be more than just Moxxie’s wife and that the sisterly bond has been strengthened in honour of making a transgender character a lot more memorable [57], no matter how long it took for the series to let her shine on her own accords aside from the events of “The Harvest Moon Festival” and “Unhappy Campers” [54] [55]. The efforts may only be in a short [57], but I am still satisfied as a loyal hazbean.
If Helluva Boss is a blatantly sexist series that is disrespectful towards its female characters [25] [72], then how come Millie has the same occupation as her husband’s and is never portrayed as a stereotypical “traditional” housewife whose only known traits are cooking and cleaning [27] [63]? Moreover, how come this short has provided some self-empowerment and depth for both a cis impette AND a trans impette [57]? Some development for female characters who deserve it worked for that one episode of Camp Lazlo set entirely in the Squirrel Scout camp [15], right? Take that, accusations of Helluva Boss being misogynistic! Not in the way your sources’ homes get destroyed though [90] [91]. [57]
It can be argued that Sallie May’s first in “The Harvest Moon Festival” appearance was not effective enough to honour transgender representation due to the little amount of screen time she had in that episode [54], but in “Hell’s Belles”, she finally gets the focus she deserves alongside her sister’s [57]. At first, she seems to have some resentment towards the Pride Ring but gradually softens to it as she agrees to spend the day with Millie. I am quite amazed at the new attire she bought from the fashion boutique and how she further proves that she can be as tough as her sister. The way she vents about missing the old days before Millie moved to the Pride Ring to live with Moxxie and feeling partially unable to fit in with her current lifestyle is relatable to an extent as I have a younger sister who moved to a new place with her partner this year and I miss the times when she and I played together, especially as children. Family life may not always go right, but something about a healthy bond with a sibling makes it priceless beyond materialistic properties, especially if you feel like you have the Family Aspiration from The Sims 2 [6] [57].
The scent of a hog’s behind aside, Sallie May has become not only more likeable but even more memorable [57]. Some of you may recall her voice actress exceptionally cosplaying as her at Lexington Comic and Toy Con a month ago [33] [34] [35]. Well, she happened to have cosplayed as her again at LVL UP EXPO [38]! As provocative as she can be in some other merchandise [32], her personality and character growth in “Hell’s Belles” are even more striking. It sucks that there is still transphobia regarding her character and so on lurking around [18] [88], but she and her voice actress still have my support. [57]
The way Moxxie smiles at his wife and his sister-in-law laughing together at the apartment at the end of the short reminds me of how Stolas smiled at his daughter sleeping in “The Circus” [53] [57]. Good thing he is carrying his handbag that is stylised to match his passion for music and art instead of a huge sack of art, unlike near the end of “Seeing Stars” [52] [106] [107]. Strangely enough, he does not say a single word in this short [57]. This must have been another cost-cutting decision besides Loona being muted in the third and fourth episodes of the second season [47] [56] [108] [109]. Nonetheless, his expression and calmness say it best as he said nothing at all, much like how Rocky Rickaby did not have to spew another poem to captivate us in the teaser trailer for the forthcoming first season of Lackadaisy [43] [100] [101]. C’mon now! Please do not give me that “focus on female characters = woke” garbage because of Moxxie being silent and some dude like Chaz being a creep [42] [57] [87]! And hopefully, his portrayal in the next episode or mini-episode he will appear in can be considered less divisive than his portrayal in “Unhappy Campers” and that could be the case [55] [102] [103], according to what has been revealed in the third trailer for the next five episodes of the second season [51].
Moxxie’s keeping quiet [57]!
He don’t need no diet [52]!
We sinners won’t deny it!
Wait! Did I just rap again [106] [107]?! [57]
What is there to say about any other minor characters? Looks like Sallie May is not the only imp trying on a new outfit for the short as he is seen in despair as he witnesses an arcade owned by him in flames [57]. At the nightclub, a shark-like demon slyly puts his arms around the sisters without their consent, thus reminding me of the devious (and eventually deceased) Chazwick Thurman from “Exes and Oohs” [47] [57]. At least he gets pwned for his perverted mannerisms, which ought to apply to Valentino at some point in the second season of Hazbin Hotel [2] [104] [105]. There is also the bartender who ironically does not scold the girls for beating up the shark boy but offers them drinks as she might have been affected by him too [57]. Aside from how curious I am about some other members of the Ars Goetia family who will appear at some point in the rest of the second season, especially the red avian fellow named “Vassago” asking about Stolas’ whereabouts [10] [51], why not let Sallie May be friends with Stella at a convention in the next Helluva Short or two [37] [39]? On the other four-fingered hand, other theories on what will happen in more shorts will be discussed later on.
Well, at least the voice of another shark boy sang merrily with a cosplayer on stage [74]. Next thing, a hypnotic python will get whacked in the head with a frying pan [95]. [57]
They say that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck, but in this animated short’s case, it results in a drink for defending yourself from sexual harassment [57]. Feel free to stick to a fruit parfait from Hello Kitty World II if you are a teetotaller like me though [29]. [57]
Some new locations in Imp City, part of the Pride Ring include the spa that is named after Elizabeth Bathory, one of the most notorious female serial killers in history where the sisters unwind [9] [74] [83], the fashion boutique where Sal tries on a few outfits judged by Mils and arcade that appears to be owned by Wally Wackford [57], which provides some interesting world building and makes me curious about what other places could be there in the other six rings, especially the Envy Ring as it is yet to make its debut in the series [1]. Other side characters who make cameos in the short include Verosika Mayday on a “Pride Tour” poster at the side of the bus stop and Lyle Lypton and Loopity Goopity on a billboard [57]. The images of cherubs as targets in one of the arcade machines besides a parody of the Grand Theft Auto series named “Greed Theft Auto” are possibly a mockery towards the C.H.E.R.U.B or a sign of them seeking revenge in a future episode as hinted in the third trailer for the second season [9] [46] [51] [73]. As previously mentioned, the concept of a series of Helluva Boss shorts can provide some new opportunities and an expansion on Imp City is another example [57].
Despite being in the Pride Ring, the spa named after a serial killer reminds me of the Sloth Ring [56] [57]. Aside from a special kind of “mud” that could made with the blood of deceased sinners and demons [9], the tanning beds might as well as result in a sunburn even worse than the one I had in Cornwall nearly six years ago instead of a suntan [57] [94]. [57]
There should have been some safety regulations before Chainsaw Mama can be allowed to play at an arcade [57]. On a lighter note, it might be recommended to Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw and Gora Killiams will possibly publish an article on the announcement trailer of a direct sequel to Greed Theft Auto on her blogs [96]. [57]

One reason why Helluva Shorts has been established must be to potentially make the series’ overall writing more effective after all the criticism it received, even from hazbeans [16]. The short was written by Morgana Ignis, the voice of Sallie May, much to my humility (and how currently I can relate to that [64] [65] [66]) [37]. I consider the pacing and flow of the plot simply peachy [56]. Oddly enough, the title “Hell’s Belles” reminds me of that song Betty Boop sang in that 1930s cartoon starring her titled “Red Hot Mama” [31]. And no. I am not referring to the provocative parody of her in “C.H.E.R.U.B.” [46]. And would you believe that the short has its own logo [37] [40] [77]?! Not only is there girl power in the first short but also an amended sisterhood alongside some depth and relatability [57]. As for what is next in the second season of the main series, there might be some growth for a prince’s affair, some amends regarding a breakup with a pop star and some ghost hunting and the upcoming episodes have the potential to be as compellingly written…or in a more critical case, decently written as a mid-season special centred on Fizzarolli [28] [48] [51].
I guess Ignis knows how Brandon Rogers feels when it comes to being part of the series’ writing [57]. When it comes to a step-up in terms of writing, I am still up for a compelling moment when Stolas proves that he does not have a toxic victim mentality, which was hinted at in the music video for the canon version of “Look My Way” [58] [102] [103]. As for Vassago who could be his second love interest [11] [23], you do not suppose he will sing a song about how sweet the ‘50s were [22], no? [57]

The animation is once again outstanding [57]. The backgrounds are richly detailed with parodies and symbolism here and there, including a spoof of the iconic The Phantom of the Opera poster, considering how Moxxie and Millie dressed up as the classic in the old Voxtagram stories [3] [57] [75]. I adore the heart-shaped clouds in the sky above the sisters’ playful fighting on the rooftop and how cool the arcade looks, apart from how there should have been some safety regulations for Chainsaw Mama [57]. The lights that the nightclub slowly flash in different colours, just like in the nightclub in “Welcome To Heaven”, the sixth episode of Hazbin Hotel [2]. The characters are once again animated elegantly, even within moments of rowdiness. It seems like the animation has been reverted back to how it was before the upgrade with the assistance of ToonCity in “Oops”, a mid-season special, the canonisation of “Look My Way” by PARANOiD DJ and the first season of Hazbin Hotel [48] [49] [58], but that is okizay as it can be a reminder of the first season, especially for those who miss the times of its run [16]. Besides, the animation of the short must have been in production before an agreement with ToonCity was made [57]. As always, kudos to the talented team of animators and cleanup artists.
“Yee-f**king-haw!” Sallie May, 2024. [57]
And a shout-out to these interestingly designed babes in Chainsaw Mama who look like they could be some new defenders of the rebuilt Hazbin Hotel [9] [57] [104] [105]! [57]

I cannot wait for more Helluva Shorts. The next one or two ought to make up for how the handling of different perspectives in “Seeing Stars” seemed too clustered by focusing on more of Octavia’s muddled journey in Los Angeles [52]. Another ought to provide some explanation for why Stella is so wrathful besides how she was cheated on [53] [54] [56]. Perhaps another will take place in between “Ozzie’s” and the end of “The Circus” to patch up a certain inconsistency regarding Stolas and Blitzo’s one-sided relationship that occurred in “Seeing Stars”…unless “Full Moon” will do the honours this May [10] [50] [51] [52] [53]. Oddly enough, there is no musical number in “Hell’s Belles” and one of my favourite aspects of Helluva Bossis the songs. There could have been a snippet of a song performed by the sisters on the karaoke at the club they taught that creep a lesson at, but oh well. I suppose that another short can be about Stolas growing a quartet of venus flytraps that can sing like the Barbershop Quartet in Cuphead [79], thus increasing the variety of music genres in the growing list of musical numbers in the Hellaverse. Who knows what the next Helluva Shorts will bring us aside from what has been heavily hinted in the third trailer for the second season [51]?
And how about a short featuring more samples of ASL (American Sign Language) from the little fella who got an autograph from Fizzarolli (who is also skilled in ASL) in the exceptional mid-season special [48]? Besides, my mum was highly supportive of me learning Makaton and BSL (British Sign Language) and I shall continue to work on my skills in sign language [80]. [48]
I would say establishing some new developments for a helluva cast, even in a short is like eating an apple with dark chocolate; trying something kind of new for a specific benefit [30]. I still deserve the consider the Hellaverse a sense of freedom whenever I feel as if being autistic is like being in prison [8] [20] [41], don’t I? In addition to cartoony, female-focused action in 2024 aside from the amazing outcome of Princess Peach: Showtime! [60] [110] [111], the Powerpuff Girls will return in a new comic book series from Dynamite Comics in association with their franchise’s 25th anniversary this July [69]. And of course, Barbie: The Movie shall mark its first anniversary around that time [12] [99]. Aside from the hype for the rest of the second season of the main episodes, including some further development for Verosika Mayday that will likely be expressed in “Apology Tour” this June and what sounds like a Christmas special in December [51], “Hell’s Belles” is a great start to a subseries of a spin-off, highlighting a popular side character and giving one of the main female stars a well-deserved spotlight to share with her transgender sister [57]. Trans sisters are sisters too and I wholeheartedly praise Ignis for helping Vivienne Medrano expand on Millie’s side of the family with her skills in screenwriting [37]. Stay sinful!
Throughout the rest of 2024, the rest of the second season of Helluva Boss is likely to blow me and many other hazbeans away, starting with “Full Moon” this May [51]. It looks like 2024 is an even better year for SpindleHorse Toons with the success of the first season of Hazbin Hotel and more episodes of Helluva Boss for us to look forward to [51] [104] [105]! As always, please do not go and berate those who claim that Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are “sexist”, “homophobic”, “offensive”, “problematic”, etc. as I would like to be reminded of seemingly misguided claims being rationally debunked without any hassle towards anybody, as well as different opinions simply being opinions [25] [72] [81]. For example, if you prefer Toy Story 4 over Toy Story 3 [92] [93], that is a-okay. [51]
After another collaboration with her boss’ brother from another mother [98], I am honoured to analyse the first-ever Helluva Short starring Mildred Knolastname and her sister Sallie May [57]. Satan bless the two feisty ladies! I thank you dearly for believing in the real version of me instead of impersonators who make a horrible mockery of me and blatantly misrepresent me with hurtful lies [5]. Furthermore, let us continue to spread kindness instead of callousness [4] [13], no matter how much the term “woke” gets thrown around within close-minded vitriol these days [89]. [57]
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  105. Williams, L. (2024). Sinfully Hopeful For The Second Season Of Hazbin Hotel. Available: Last accessed 5th Apr 2024.
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  107. Williams, L. (2022). The Second Episode Of The Second Season Of Helluva Boss. Available: Last accessed 23rd Oct 2023.
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  109. Williams, L. (2023). The Second Fourth Episode Of Helluva Boss. Available: Last accessed 18th Jul 2023.
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  111. Williams, L. (2024). What If Princess Peach Will Get Her Own Anime Series?. Available: Last accessed 17th Apr 2024.

The Third Trailer For The Second Season Of Helluva Boss

Disclaimer: This is an analysis and review of a trailer for the rest of the second season of an animated series that contains content aimed ...