This is another
article that will discuss a series of animation that features explicit and
disturbing content aimed at mature audiences, including:
- Graphic
sexual acts, including necrophilia
- Graphic
- Strong
cartoon violence, including blood and gore
- Self-mutilation
- Seizure-inducing
scenes that contain flashing colours and lighting effects
- Strong
- Some
racial insensitivities
discretion is advised.
Nearly two years ago, I have written an analysis on Alfred Alfer [20] [21],
a mentally ill dog who got ditched by his special friend, fornicated with the
dead, and plugged himself into the internet to receive some empowerment [37]. From not being able to
understand a simple example of a foreign person’s speech to disrespecting an old
woman’s funeral by having sex with her corpse [35] [37], Alfred was a
definition of the term “online adult cartoon” and possibly “the most famous
animated porn star who ever f**ked the dead” [33]. Remember his creator,
Emily Rose Youcis cosplaying as him at Midwest Furfest in Chicago back in 2015
[22]? Good times. Unfortunately, Youcis’ YouTube channel was terminated at some
point in 2019 due to a few violations of their terms of service [30]. Nevertheless,
her Bitchute channel provides all of her hard work dedicated to animation and some
other forms of entertainment. With the ability to hold onto my sanity, I would
like to further expand on my views on the earlier cartoons starring Alfred and
the segments of his movie by explaining and critiquing a few details I missed
during my previous analysis on the crazy canine’s legacy [20] [21], along with
a suggestion for a possible new chapter.
The way Emily Youcis and a fan of her work cosplayed as Alfred Alfer was acceptable in 2015. [22] |
Once again, reader discretion is DEFINITELY advised. [31] [37] |
Ah, the glorious nostalgic vibe of rather distorted
microphone quality that was quite common in animation for websites back in the
2000s [10] [19]. It seems like Fatdog’s name used to be “Phat Dawg” before a
teenaged Youcis’ Christmas special was being animated [25] [35]. I prefer the
more stylised name for Alfred’s brown companion who was voiced by Youcis’ brother
in the Christmas special and unfortunately did not return in any of the later
animations. As for the Alfred’s Playhouse trilogy, how much money and such does
the bawling delivery man keep in his pockets daily [24]? But during that scene,
I do not really like how random images that were copied and pasted from the
internet appear on the screen as they just seem tacked on. I also do not like
the loud noise that plays when he keeps crying. Even though Youcis’ older
animations had those flaws, the newer ones at least showed a lot of improvement
with increased quality, including the moment when he spoofed GG Allin as “G.G.
Alfred” [3]. As for Rise of Alfred from 2007 [36], that creepily amusing
fourth-wall break that urged viewers to sing a certain song is possibly my
favourite moment of the Alfred Alfer franchise.
Before a younger Youcis decided to convert Alfred’s life into dark and disgusting psychological horror, it was more like an edgy sitcom with Phat Dawg when he was a lot more sane back in about 2005 [20] [21] [25]. [35] |
And you will keep reading too. [36] |
There are plenty of technical aspects of The Alfred
Alfer Movie I think could have been better. When Youcis was voicing Alfred,
Labby and the strange watermelon creature in the first segment, it sounded like
she was speaking a bit too close to the microphone, causing some distortion within
the dialogue [23] [37]. As for the flashing colours and other flashy effects
featured in some scenes, I felt as if there was really no purpose to include them
other than for extra effort and they seemed quite unnecessary at times, thus affecting
the film’s accessibility to those with epilepsy [28] [37]. However, I think
those effects could have worked better if they were reduced to only considerate
amounts to make them seem less tacked on. My same statement applies to Youcis’
animated music video for the song “Boomerang” by Armon Pakdel [27]. And yes,
the music playing when Alfred lusts over a pole dancing zombie in the second
segment of the movie was just too distorted and screechy for my musical tastes
[28] [37]. Despite the flaws, the hard work put into the fluid animation and
special effects has really paid off, even when Alfer embraced his destiny with
Donald Trump in the final segment [38].
The pitch of the voice for the strange creature a heartbroken Alfred meets could have been lowered in an audio editing software to make him sound more convincing. The same statement applies to the audio files for Labby’s voice in the first segment of the movie as there was some voice acting that had lowered pitches in the Christmas special that featured Phat Dawg [25]. [23] [37] |
I am not against bright special effects, but sometimes less is more. [37] [38] |
Speaking of animation, I would like to express my
views on Alfred animated in 3D. It is interesting enough that he made a special
guest appearance in The Masks That The Monsters Wear, a chapter of Where The
Dead Go To Die [2] [8] [20] [21]. In the final segment of the movie, there are
two improved 3D models of him made by Kenny Robles [37] [38]. The first one is
fully animated but looks rather crude. Nonetheless, he is sure delighted to
receive a crown and a staff at the beginning of being loved again. The other 3D
model of Alfred features him simply strapped to his chair without any movement,
but its design makes him look somewhat less crude. Additionally, the lack of
animation, sharp teeth and detail on his chest make the render bring out the
disturbing nature of the traditional 2D Alfred. It sure is awesome to feature
at least some guest artists in a huge and passionately created project [37]
[38], but collaborations may not age well depending on changes within
connections between collaborators [12] [13] [29]. I bring this up due to how
the questionable views Youcis succumbed to back in late 2016 caused her to lose
a fraction of respect [4] [5] [16].
The first 3D model of Alfred in the movie. [37] [38] |
The second 3D model of Alfred in the movie being sent through a series of flashing colours. As previously stated, I believe the use of bright flashing colours and effects could have been reduced to make them more visually appealing in the movie. [37] [38] |
What do I think of the overall story of The Alfred
Alfer Movie? I understand how Labby ditching Alfred in an uncompassionate way
begins the chapter of improvement animation and the verbal abuse the crazy
canine hears when he returns to the playhouse can make the viewers sympathise
with him [23] [37], but I think his character development is a little overshadowed
by necrophilia and shock value [26] [28] [32] [33]. As much as I can appreciate
the movie for its use of grotesque and rather graphic content, I still believe
the majority of it was included plainly for shock value and seemed quite
excessive at times. As for the final segment, I am not saying Youcis does not
have the right to support Donald Trump, but I feel as if the Trump supporting
vibes, including Trump as Alfred’s saviour in the ending, might have alienated
the Alfred fans who either rooted for Hillary Clinton or preferred not to take a
side during the 2016 United States presidential election [37] [38]. I find the
overall plot of the movie to be okay, but it could have been more effective
with slightly less pornography, violence and overly flashy effects thrown into
it and without political bias towards the conclusion.
I am rather neutral towards the whole plot of the movie. I understood the connections between each segment that merge each of them into one story and I completely understand that there can be symbolism relating to a creator’s interests [37], but I feel like the Trump supporting aspects in the conclusion were quite unnecessary and did not have any impact on the plot, Well, at least Alfred seemed finally sincerely happy as he supposedly left reality behind him. [37] [38] |
The trailer of The Alfred Alfer Movie clearly hinted that it will be a musical [33]. I feel like there should have been an additional musical number sung by Alfred or any other characters for the fourth and final segments for the outcome to stay more true to what has been promised [37]. And yes, I believe there should have been a much better soundtrack for the pole dancing scene in the second segment [28]. [26] |
I would not mind if Youcis will only downgrade Alfred’s next chapter to
just a new series of a webcomics in her free time later in this new decade
partially for old time’s sake [7] [12]. There is her “Which Way, White Woman?”
comic that features a premise I am rather neutral with and does not really
leave an encouraging impact on me [9]. Apart from that, a series of webcomics
could take place after the events of the movie. Could they feature Alfred and the dictator
version of himself finally become one dog in his mind? I think that could
happen because of how Alfred cosplayed as Trump before going to a heavenly
nebula with him in the movie’s last segment [38], which could have been a sign
of him finally becoming a dictator after supposedly leaving reality. Without
a newly established chapter of Alfred’s life, a theory would state that he
might have died in reality due to lack of self-care [37]. Since the movie used adult
content a bit too excessively and rather unnecessary political vibes [33] [37]
[38], a series of webcomics starring Alfred Alfer ought to provide a more effective
story, along with no stock images affecting the art quality.
I would be interested to see Alfred in a new series of webcomics as the appearance of the dog in one panel of Youcis’ “Which Way, White Woman?” nails her recognisable art style. But as for the premise of the comic’s premise aimed at white women, I will choose my own way, thank you very much. [9] |
I am not really against the crudely designed backgrounds in the movie as they can enhance the feeling of watching an extremely crude and vulgar animated film [31], but real-life images of buildings that were possibly copyrighted and such can negatively affect the setting’s originality. Perhaps they should not be used in the webcomics to further ensure they can be seen in the best quality possible. [23] [37] |
A series of webisodes ought to establish new interesting
character development. While Dictator Alfred at least provided some interesting
traits in Alfred’s Playhouse [24], his purpose in the movie was just mocking
Alfred’s loneliness and breaking the fourth wall on the television [37]. Oh,
and I do not I need to explain what happens with him during G.G. Alfred’s
corpse sex spree [31]. Could a new webcomic series starring Alfred as a long-overdue
dictator feature him finding romance with another living dog after moving on
from how Labby abandoned him [11]? Furthermore, could Alfred, in reality, be
sent to an asylum-like veterinary centre, thus reducing the possibility of a theory
about him dying from lack of nourishment in the movie from being established?
That would help the webcomics maintain the psychological horror vibes from the Alfred’s
Playhouse trilogy and the movie [24] [37]. After all, the crazy canine has
Dissociative Identity Disorder and has had a bad upbringing [20] [21] [33] [36].
The progress of drawing webcomics is far less time-consuming than animating
segments, so I suppose the long-haired Emily we know today could
eventually agree to bring Alfred into a series of webcomics as her husband was
a fan of her work before they got married [30].
Yep. No further explanation here. [31] [37] |
Of course, a webcomic that consists of brightly coloured panels for a certain moment would be much more accessible to those who have epilepsy. [37] [38] |
Again, I do not condone harassment towards Youcis for how
insensitive she can be nowadays [4] [39]. I am not against censorship, but I am
against stooping a certain low [1] [6]. She was admired for how she has
empowered herself by animating such vulgar and edgy content since 2005 [34]. I can approve of how she has become more aware of getting active and keeping her
home clean to benefit her mental well-being outside of her creative hobbies. If
she yearns to bring her sweet Alfred into the 2020s, I believe that the crazy
canine’s next chapter should consist of:
- The format of a webcomic for his
creator to save a lot of time for other things besides animating [30]
- Faintly less shock value to make room
for a more valid storyline [37]
- Some expansions on his character
development after the events of his movie [37]
- No possibly copyrighted images of
third-party characters copied and pasted from the internet [24]
- Artistic improvements from the newer
animations for the best quality possible, including lighting and shading [38]
We may not know what will be next for Alfred in the
early 2020s, but we may never forget how his legacy made South Park look like
the cartoons based on Strawberry Shortcake [14] [15] [17] [18] [20] [21].
Some folks can still admire Emily Youcis for her talents from 2005 to the mid-2010s [12] [13], but does that mean I support her racist and disrespectful remarks on alternatives to Twitter and YouTube from 2017 to the present [4] [39]? Absolutely not. I do not condone taking a step too far when it comes to strongly disagreeing with her [1] [6]. As much as one can hope for her to still follow what made her popular in the first place, one still wish her the best of luck in life, especially a happy and healthy marriage and home life [30]. [29] |
And to those who miss the days of Youcis drawing and animating Alfred…BOW DOWN!!! [33] |
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