Thursday 20 October 2022

The Second Episode Of The Second Season Of Helluva Boss

This is a review and analysis of an episode of an animated series that contains content aimed at mature audiences, including:
  • Strong cartoon violence, including blood and gore
  • Moderate sexual references
  • Flashing lights
  • Hellish imagery
  • One strong drug reference
  • Strong profanity
  • One scene involving vomiting
Reader discretion is advised.
Previously, we have sensed from Lucas the Spider vibes during Stolas and Blitzo’s childhoods [63] [112] [113]. Despite how I deeply appreciated the premise of the premiere establishing the origins of their relationship, I noticed that some fellow critics believed that its terms of writing could have been a bit different by focusing on Stolas trying to maintain good terms, but then falling out of love with Stella and Fizzarolli ending his friendship with Blitzo along with a bigger introduction of Barbie Wire during his childhood rather than just a cameo [26] [40] [118] [119]. Does the imp-perfection mean the second season has jumped the demonic shark that swims in a lava pit to some of us? Well, I suspected that there will be a more frequent pattern of release dates throughout Season Two, considering that the updates would be more consistent [37]. Moreover, I can validate the criticism towards “The Circus” and hope for it to be taken for a future episode [63]. All hell is sure to break loose at Lvl Up Expo in Las Vegas in February 2023 [39]. But for now, how about a “HELL YEAH!!!” for Episode Number Two of Season Number Two in late 2022, along with the possibility of Deadpool joining the roster in Marvel’s Midnight Suns [61] [54] [83]?
The premiere of the second season had quite a lot in common with the second episode of the first season, as well as some consistency with the pilot and the events of the real first season finale [60] [63]. 2022 has been the year of second seasons [2] [53], including the second season of Barbie: It Takes Two [4] [5]. I had my bisexual and pansexual pride manicure ready for reviewing this episode titled “Seeing Stars” [109]! [61]
I thought the new episode would be uploaded this Halloween after new Halloween-themed merchandise sales [57] [64], but the fact that it has been uploaded on the 19th of October got me more excited about it [45]. For everyone’s consideration, I still do not wish for anyone under the age of fifteen years old to review the sister series of a cartoon Mr. Exit “enjoys” so far with me [50]. [64]

It was previously established that Stolas is a hellborn instead of a fallen angel, yet he still sang like one [63]. Despite my relief from him finally standing up for himself in “The Circus” and the consistency with the establishment of his relationship with the Blitzster from the pilot, there are a few contradictions of his grudge against Stella when comparing “The Circus” to “Loo Loo Land”, which is rather puzzling and would be a sign of rushed writing [40] [60]. As for “Seeing Stars,” he is firstly seen reading a bedtime story to his owlet as a brief throwback to the beginning of “Loo Loo Land” [60] [61]. But years later, he gets occupied with another argument with Stella and he is distraught to hear that she has sneaked into the living world with the grimoire later on. I was absolutely starstruck to see his human disguise, which has been predicted by many hazbeans. It is also so cute and precious to see him blush after Blitzo grabs his hand as hinted in the finale preview on Twitter [45], along with how he is once again the only one who laughs at his jokes as part of an audience [63]. Aside from the relief of finding his daughter safe, Stolas deserves a good post-divorce era [61] [63] [80] [112] [113].
Despite some criticism towards the premiere of the second season in terms of its writing [26] [40], I still believe that Stolas will not be greatly reduced to a Gary-Stu, despite how he is still my owl daddy. There can always be a way to fix a contradiction and there can be a way to prevent Stolas from being seen as a “Gary-Stu” aside from forgetting a promise in "Seeing Stars" [61], such as establishing a love interest for Octavia he will, unfortunately, disapprove of. At least he did the right thing by also divorcing Bully Maguire [71]. Would you believe “Seeing Stars” was released on Bryce Pinkham’s birthday [38]? [61]
And I know Stolas does not always have to be a softie [41], but I also know that there is a deep layer beneath some pampered, privileged sass [48] [80]. From what I have seen, my owl daddy seems to care about the fandom the most [10] [49] [82] [88]. Moreover, I personally doubt that he would reek of weed, but perhaps of irresistible cologne instead [15] [16]. Rick rolling him earlier this year was worth it [106]. And no, my owl daddy. I believe that is not the absence of your grimoire limiting your powers. It is your human disguise that further reduces suspicion. [61]

It appears that seventeen-year-old Octavia has finally had enough of the ongoing conflict between her parents and is doing something risky in retaliation as hinted in the first preview on Twitter [43] [61]. The motivation for this is yet another quarrel between her parents causing her father to forget an important date that was promised ever since she was little, like in the introduction of “Loo Loo Land” [60]. I was impressed at her stealth mode when she sneaks into the I.M.P. office in the present. Once she ends up in the living world, her fear and lack of compassion from humans vaguely remind me of Princess Giselle ending up in New York in Enchanted [33]. And what is this? She has a Sinstagram account, even after a specific controversy back in 2020 [3]? She may not have fully mastered her father’s skills in voyaging through realms with the grimoire [23], but her determination to make her younger self’s wish come true all by herself proves her independence at a young age [61]. It is refreshing to see Octavia’s portrayal expand in a new episode, especially after she receives some reassurance before reuniting with her father and accepting his apology as it is further proof that not all teenage characters have to be so stereotypically portrayed with some cliches [118] [119] [120] [121].
I am dreading the moment Octavia finds out the truth about her parents being bitter towards one another [63]. Nevertheless, how she steals the grimoire out of frustration in “Seeing Stars” because of a promise being broken and receives advice from a character with daddy issues is the next big step in her character progression [61]. Her younger self has a new voice actress whose voice for her is more fitting for someone that age [60]. Oh. And Teenage Via’s ability to light a flame by snapping her fingers is pretty cool. [61]
It was confirmed that the Voxtagram stories are no longer canon due to several characters’ accounts being privatised and archived, despite many consistencies that make them seem canon [3] [120] [121]. As someone who despises paedophilia, I partly blame the controversy surrounding Octavia’s account. For her father’s sake, please refrain from sexualising her until she is officially eighteen [63]. Capiche? [61]

We have seen the aspects of the past that made Stolas and Blitzo what they are in the present [63]. Too bad the Blitzster cannot promise to keep his hellhound daughter from eating my sandwich but has he learned something from the mishaps in the first season, especially the events of the finale [102] [118] [119] [120] [121]? Well, in “Seeing Stars”, he gets assaulted by Loona over a discussion on her attitude and vaguely suggested replacing her, beginning some new character development [61]. His disguise for saving her and Octavia in the human world sure is snazzy with a wig and a pink shirt that makes him pansexual enough to function as he is mistaken for a parody of his voice actor [44] [55]. It turns out that what caused him to look distressed in the second preview is a relapse of what caused him to lose his passion for performing [58] [59] [61] [63]. The role he is forced into surprisingly becomes a hit…until a flashback of his adopting Loona occurs and causes him to break character and go on a rampage as if the pug was Loona [61]. There is a theory that Deadpool’s brother from another mother has Borderline Personality Disorder due to his impulsiveness [66] [73] [90] [94] [99], yet the layer beneath his vulgarity is always worth popping up once in a while.
The establishment of Stolas and Blitzo’s backstories seemed rushed to some of us [40], even though how “The Circus” was mostly a prequel was quite a unique start to the new season [63]. I may not like how the Blitzster spewed a certain r-word in the pilot [58] [59], but at least he did not stoop any lower than that [112] [113]. He is still foul-mouthed and impulsive but loving to Loona [32] [61]. In his owl prince’s bathtub, the Blitzster and I can host a pool party for our rubber devil duckies and our little ponies [108]! [61]
I recall predicting the main stars receiving different love interests throughout the second season, which would provide some complex exploration [24] [25] [87] [120] [121], but that does not seem likely to occur anytime soon. Despite how I adore LGBTQ+ representation and lessons on how to tackle discrimination [17] [84] [114] [115] [116] [117], I understand that the messages ought to be rather subtle and realistically handled without stating the obvious to have a more effective impact, much like how the subject of racism was handled in a certain episode of Teen Titans [31] [52] [89]. [61]

What about Loona? She is still apathetic to her colleagues and did not give a single darn when she spoofed Octavia in stealth mode in the office [61]. Nonetheless, in her human disguise, she browses the series’ official parody of Instagram titled “Sinstagram” and notices Octavia’s posts, which motivates her into finding her during Stolas and Blitzo’s captivity. In the flashback Blitzo gets during his performance at Starstruck Studios, we see that Loona was struggling with anger issues and judgement from a carer before her adoption, leading to a more empathetic side of her character and deeper meaning of her father-and-daughter relationship with the Blitzster. Could the harsh criticism from the carer be part of the reason for her anger issues in the present [58] [59] [62]? We finally get to see her interact with Octavia, showing a more humane side [62]. I am very impressed at the very moment of Loona consoling Octavia under the stars as a potential older stepsister, along with Blitzo’s virtue to never replace her, no matter how much she would lash out at him as these elements are what expanded on her character, giving her some meaning beneath her rudeness and hot temper that were firstly portrayed in the pilot [58] [59].
Being a teenager is hard, but no one has to evolve through a fairly short period of their life alone. Loona’s advice to Octavia is a big part of her character development, enhancing her likeability. [61]
As for a part of Loona’s troubled past, this moment is how I have been feeling about having a certain thing that I no longer wish to mention for my own safety. [61]

And if you thought Moxxie having to tell his boss off for drawing on walls was bizarre [103], wait until you see what he puts up with in the second episode of the second season after his absence in “The Circus” [63]. His bitterness towards Loona which was hinted at in the pilot is once again shown as he suggests hiring a more employable receptionist [61]. When the mission to find Octavia begins, he is mocked for his weight, which boggles my mind. He is then offered a CD by an artist, much to his enthusiasm since he is a singer-songwriter himself, leading him to vow to repay a human’s musical efforts with money and even preaching against taking a demo for free as if it was a measly form of materialism to Millie. Aside from how I still consider Moxxie my second favourite character, we are yet to find out who exactly the fella he will rob a bank with is, along with how he and his wife can defeat Striker in his second appearance in the rest of the second season [118] [119] [120] [121]. I think the fact that Moxxie is voiced by Richard Horvitz is partially inspired by some artwork of Charlie from Hazbin Hotel holding Zim from Invader Zim that was drawn by Medrano back in 2019 [56].
Moxxie may be an imp
And he ain’t no pervy pimp,
But he’s a husband, not a simp!
Okay, I will stop rapping now… [61]
It looks like Millie and her spouse are still in love as if they were part of the MobeBuds pairings, much to my delight [95] [96]. In the meantime, Lisa Cooper, my own fanmade Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss character is not backing down in the Pride Ring [79] [102] [104] [105]. Speaking of rings, I bet their engagement after Millie caught a bride’s bouquet was more enlightening than how I won a plastic gem ring at the Central Pier in Blackpool back in February [118] [119]. Although a new moment in “Seeing Stars” that will be explained later on shows their everlasting love for one another once again, it was quite amusing to see Millie command Moxxie to head straight to the portal after throwing another CD he was offered by another human artist, which shows that they will not always be an agreement in a healthy relationship [61]. Other than Team M&M’s undying devotion for one time, I am gutted that a huge sack of awards and artwork got left behind at the end. What could be next for the hellish married couple in the next episode? A flashback of Millie getting engaged to Moxxie or their wedding day [58] [59] [118] [119]? Surely, her transgender sister ought to make another appearance soon [120] [121].

The way Moxxie is easily swindled into taking a little time to admire an artist’s work eventually grew to aggravate Millie [61]. Admittedly, I get a little too captivated by art sometimes. Hey, look! Verosika Mayday’s human form makes a cameo [62]! [61]

What can I say about some new human characters since a human has not appeared in an episode since “Truth Seekers”? Oh my Satan! We just had to witness a parody of the Westboro Baptist Church [1]! I do not blame the crowd that gathered around Moxxie and Millie’s way of making money outside of their jobs as assassins. As for the actors playing the roles of a family who wants to adopt a pug, you can see how dedicated they are as they somewhat still stay in character during Blitzo’s realisation of Loona being too precious to ever replace. It is quite amusing how the audience just follows the instructions on the screens like a flock of sheep, which is probably why laugh tracks are an easy target for harsh critiques on sitcoms [85]. I would say that the portrayal of random human citizens is quite similar to the zany portrayals in “Spring Broken” [62], meaning that the efforts to maintain the charm of the first season for the second one have been vowed aside from new character explorations and so on in an anticipated continuation. Who knows? The plot in a future episode might be set in another state of America, such as New York or Alaska. 

Ah ha! I see what they did there! About the producer, he is overly demanding and just had to treat Blitzo like a pet as he mistakes him for Brennon Ragers whose name sounds awfully familiar [58] [60] [62]. Aside from that, how on literal Earth did his skin burn after Stolas chucked a water bottle at him? That sure looked painful! Wait a minute! The water in Los Angeles is mostly acid?! What the hell?! [61]
Since I am British, I would be thrilled if the Immediate Murder Professionals travelled from Hell to the United Kingdom [58]. If Lisa Cooper were to get a job at a clothing shop named “Forever 27” in the Pride Ring [79], she ought to hope it will not be as chaotic as Primark Legends [76]. [61]

Lisa Anne-Marie Cooper died a faithful wife, but will Stella of the Ars Goetia live long enough to see herself become a revenge cheater [107]? I may not like Stella’s true colours in the previous episode, but if any hazbeans like to ship her with Stolas in an alternate universe, that is absolutely okay with me. It is possible to like a character, but not condone their actions in an episode. Hell, the Joker from the Batman comics is a widely popular DC villain, yet a rational DC fan would not condone his heinous acts [98] [100]. I do not need a rehash of the toxicity within my creepypasta phase [92] [93] [97]. In “Seeing Stars”, Stella is faintly heard ranting during a bitter telephone conversation as several servants lift some of her possession into a moving van, which is a sign that the episode must take place after the long overdue divorce or during some preparation for it in a courtroom [63]. Despite how there still seems to be no hope for Stella to be portrayed as anything but a wrathful b-word [112] [113], I suppose there can also be a flashback of her childhood as well aside from her aggression displayed in a rather embarrassing photograph [63]. 
Mamma mia! That poor butler is being a punching bag within the bickering again [60]! Apart from Stella moving out of the mansion and supposedly moving into her brother’s place [63], Stolas still seems to have feelings for Blitzo, even after the events of “Ozzie’s” [120] [121]. Could the next episode of the second season or the second part of the Season One finale be the filler to make up for the slight inconsistency? [61]

Was there a party as if it was 1920 again [9]? Well, not quite. There is a new love song sung by Moxxie, but this time with his wife who also has an amazing singing voice. It is quite short during the episode, but an effective way of making money in the human world. The song is expanded in the credits, melting the hearts of hazbeans. I know there is nothing wrong with an acoustic ballad from two imps in love for the sake of the wholesome of the show, but I would still like to hear a much different style of music centred on a specific trait or action of a different character in honour of deeper exploration and a bigger variety of musical numbers [35], such as a rowdy heavy metal song about Stolas and Stella’s divorce and an upbeat country rock anthem for Striker striking back. Besides, the second song in “Seeing Stars” titled “I Like It” is an upbeat rock song produced by Sam Haft and performed by Jordie Lala. There is always some deep character exploration in a new musical number as some extra songs in the Broadway and West End musical adaption of Frozen provides some extra depths of characters, including Kristoff and Elsa [27] [28] [29] [30]. 

Another musical number, another cover from a hazbean [42]. Even though the sub-plot about Moxxie’s infatuation with artistry did not have much of an impact on the main plot and was a little tacked on [61], I still swooned at his new duet with Millie. I shall look forward to more musical numbers in the third episode of the second season of Helluva Boss and the Hazbin Hotel television series [110] [111]. [61]

The visuals have come a long way since the pilot from late 2019 [58] [59]. I have been bewitched by the glow-up of the Goetia mansion a few times [60] [61] [63]. The backgrounds of the quirky interpretation of Los Angeles are vibrant and detailed, making them Sinstagram-worthy [61]. The effects of the portals caused by the magic of the grimoire are rather mesmerising. Stolas and Loona’s transformations into their human disguises are somewhat displayed like the magical girl transformations in Powerpuff Girls Z [6]. As always, the animation of the characters is lively and expressive [61]. The orange fire that breaks out at Starstruck Studios is about as well animated as the green fire at the eventual destruction of Loo Loo Land [60]. Lastly, the fireworks in the night sky that make up for Stolas and Octavia missing out on seeing Azathoth’s Tears are rather basic but pretty to look at [61]. There are also a few animation errors and inconsistencies but that is not big deal to me. I shall look forward to seeing the visuals of the Sloth Ring and the Envy Ring of Hell in the future of the show [118] [119] [120] [121]. Apart from those hellish hopes, the animators deserve a lot of respect for the hard work they put into the animation [93].

I do not blame the Blitzster here. The real world can be not much different from Hell [1]. Aside from that, the lightning effects are exceptional and some extra effort was put into accurately animating the shadows of Stolas and Little Via in the introduction. [61]
Good thing there was a warning that there will be some flashing lights as those flashes from fans’ smartphones and cameras were pretty…flashy [61]. I apologise for how terribly corny that sounded. Apart from that, please remember to treat artists and animators with respect and ensure that they will remain passionate about the artistry of cartoons, no matter many animation errors are spotted [38] [93]. [61]

I know I hardly elaborate on the use of sound effects and background music in the show, but shall we go ahead and discuss some new samples? Alright then. An example of an exceptional concoction for the viewer’s ears in the second season’s premiere would be the moment when Little Stolas bursts into tears after being engaged to Little Stella, resulting in Paimon trying to brush it off and offering to take him to the circus as there are little squeaks for when he pats his son’s head [63], which is briefly repeated in the flashback of Octavia being put into her bed when she was little in “Seeing Stars” after a dazzlingly display of Azathoth’s Tears is enlightened with soothing swooshes [61]. There is some fitting background music during Teenaged Octavia’s rather creatively portrayed stealth skills. There are even intense sounds for physical attacks, including the slapstick given to Blitzo as he reunites with Loona and most notably his rampage against the cast members at Starstruck Studios. As vibrant as the sound effects are when it comes to increasing the energetic or suspenseful atmosphere of a scene, they always provide extra effort put into bringing each scene to the afterlife.
I must say that the audio is more outstanding than the nauseatingly unnecessary whip cracks in many episodes of Johnny Test that are thankfully absent in the reboot and the poor use of stock music for meeting a therapist in Ren Seeks Help [68] [69] [75] [81]. [61]

As previously mentioned, 2022 has been the year of second seasons [2] [4] [5] [37] [53]. Have I let a strange dream do me wonders [74]? I guess I have. I am amazed at how “Seeing Stars” took specific elements of “Loo Loo Land” and “Spring Broken” and stretched them into new character developments [60] [62]. What could be next? Could there be a festival in association with a gory upright stake in the Sloth Ring or the Envy Ring? Can Lisa Cooper earn the rights to her soul back from Lucifer [11] [13] [14]? I can declare that I am still happy to be a hazbean as I have received compassion in a livestream, even though it was hosted by Valentino who just had to be rather promiscuous [12]. I think I deserve a silver medal for doing a review of the second episode of the second season of Helluva Boss. Aside from more episodes, I will look forward to the third season of The Cuphead Show [70]. I bet that one day, either Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss will be adapted into a Broadway and West End musical, just like Frozen [27] [28] [29] [30]. Right now, let us wish our Minecrafters the best of luck in protecting a new interpretation of Gotham City in the new Batman-themed DLC in Minecraft [65]. Stay sinful!

The amount of hate I have received on Twitter and so on this year is unreal [51] [72] [86], but I am honoured to be the kindest hazbean I can be, even outside the fandom [22] [34]. There may have been times I wish I did not grow up in this generation [67], but Helluva Boss is still one of my saviours. [61]
Some new sinners must be sure to follow the beautiful Lilith Morningstar on Sinstagram [77] [78], just as long as there is potentially a new canon on the platform that will not make the same mistakes again [3]. In the meantime, why not come on down to One Helluva Diner or the Bat At Hazbin [18] [19] [20] [21]? Moving on from the eventual toxicity of being a creepypasta writer from 2014 and 2015 was worth it [92] [93] [97]. Wait until there could be more bloopers [36]! How about some more same-sex dancing in the meantime [7] [8]? [61]

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The Third Trailer For The Second Season Of Helluva Boss

Disclaimer: This is an analysis and review of a trailer for the rest of the second season of an animated series that contains content aimed ...