Sunday 22 August 2021

The Sinful Sixth Episode Of Helluva Boss


This is an analysis and review of an episode from an animated series that includes adult content, including:

  •        Strong cartoon violence, including blood and gore
  •        Strong profanity
  •        Flashing lights
  •        Hellish and disturbing imagery
  •        Moderate drug references
  •        One frightening horror scene
  •        Explicit sexual references

Reader discretion is advised.

Howdy, fellow sinners of the seven deadly Vivziepop circles of Hell! It has been a while since the official Italian dub of the pilot of Hazbin Hotel was released [9], leading to the possibility of an Italian dub of the Helluva Boss pilot this December [13]. According to a tweet that was posted after the scorching success of “The Harvest Moon Festival” [34], it was hinted that the sixth episode would take about an extra month to develop due to its extended length [18]. After witnessing a shocking ending, I was expecting the events of the next episode to feature Striker…striking back, along with how Stolas would survive the next evolutionary step of his wife’s wrath [34]. I am pretty sure he might have a nightmare about having to climb onto one block after another, despite not being a mortal [3]. Nevertheless, I am still rooting for him to stay alive for the sake of his only daughter. After cautiously reviewing the fiendish fifth episode [83] [84], I shall courageously review the sinful sixth episode named “Truth Seekers” [15] [35]. Is it the biggest one in terms of storytelling as hinted by the promotion video for Spring sales for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss merchandise [38]? Loaded with ammo, I shall find out with my dear reader by my side.

I was absolutely appalled at how Medrano’s old address was doxed a while ago [26] [75], but I am more than happy that she kept following her passion in producing one of her most iconic properties [27]. I feel sinfully delighted to review the sixth episode of Helluva Boss sometime after the announcement of the official French comic dub of the webcomic that takes place before the events of “That’s Entertainment”, the pilot of Hazbin Hotel [7] [8]. I highly appreciate the brief non-canon shout-out I received from the four-armed frenemy [24]. [35]

Again, if you are under the age of eighteen, please do not review the series with me. Well, unless if you are at least fifteen years old if the first season on DVD turns out to be rated 15 in the United Kingdom. But still, there is a possibility of it being rated 18 instead. And remember, if you get doxed online, call the police [26] [75]. [36]

There is a theory that Blitzo could be part-incubus because of the black stylised heart on his forehead, sexually explicit remarks and how Stolas simply cannot resist flirting with him and such, despite his inability to convincingly transform into a human in the human world [2] [78] [79]. I strongly agree with said theory as I think it would add to how fascinating his character as a raunchy businessman in Hell is. As seen in a preview on Twitter back in July and another one back in August [19] [20], he and Moxxie get captured in a net and wake up tied up in a chair. I find it quite inspiring how Blitzo has revealed that he dropped out of college as it proves that someone can still be passionate and determined after dropping out of university [35]. During the climax, there are two new versions of Blitzo that are represented as two different depths of his character. I can see that he continues to be the reckless, but charmingly witty antihero of the series [31] [32] [33] [34], letting a metaphorical spotlight shine on him as there is some new development for him when it comes to facing his fears and insecurities and coming to terms with his employee [35], whether he is part-incubus or not [2].

The theory that Blitzo is part-incubus is quite similar to the speculation of Bella Swan from the Twilight saga being part-werewolf [64]. Even though he only cares about his business, his adopted daughter and himself, a more insecure and vulnerable side of his being shown is a big next in character development. [35]

Unfortunately, coming to terms seemingly didn’t last too long. Nevertheless, I shall still root for him when it comes to the determination to not end up dying alone as a certain bird could be his saviour. [35]

I recall explaining why I believe that Moxxie could have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during the release of the official Italian dub of Hazbin Hotel’s pilot [76] [77]. This theory of mine is highly similar to how we Hazbeans has spotted signs of Angel Dust suffering from the disorder due to being a victim of sexual abuse [12]. It has been stated that Moxxie’s star sign is Virgo, which hints that Stolas may have a prediction about him [61]. He may not handle liquor [36], but he also cannot handle the healing of being separated from Millie and worrying about her. Furthermore, I do not EVER want the hellishly married couple to suddenly get divorced [31] [32]. On a lighter note, the way he describes how he wants his coffee during his captivity is priceless [35]. And for the first time, we get to hear him laugh at one of his boss’ remarks. That is before they inhale the fume of the truth bomb and begin to provoke each other with painfully honest remarks. The development between a careless boss and his skeptical employee really stands out in the plot of this episode as after hallucinating, he recalls the day he was employed and accepts the criticism he received on that day.

Moxxie seems to have received the most character development in the series so far [33] [34]. There may be no evidence of him having PTSD or any other anxiety-related disorder just yet, but how he is confronted into confessing his true feelings is yet another big step in his overall development. [35]

#Fabulous! [35]

Who are the two new characters hinted in three of the previews of “Truth Seekers” on Twitter to have captured Blitzo and Moxxie [20] [21] [22]? Well, they appear to be humans who are secret agents, dressed in a Men In Black style similar to how Moxxie and Millie were dressed in “Loo Loo Land” [32] [71] [72]. They sure do not like being laughed at and the idea of getting sexual with a demon as strong believers of their kind [35]. There are more agents guarding many areas of the building where Blitzo and Moxxie are held hostage. I have not seen such despicably empowered humans in the series since Martha and her family in “Murder Family” [33]. The company they all work for is D.H.O.R.K.S., which is quite fitting for the ones who have captured Blitzo and Moxxie known as “Agent One” and “Agent Two”. The stylisation of the agency of humans looking for the truth about demons in the afterlife reminds me of the humans at the hospital in the pilot. If Agent One and Agent Two ought to not give up and strive for revenge in a future episode, could there be some backstory on how they were often ridiculed for their beliefs?

Quite the kooks, aren’t they? Well, at least to atheists [5]. [35]

I think Agent One and Agent Two reappearing in a future can further increase their memorability with new development. However, I think the reason for these antagonists to only appear in one episode would be just to keep the episodes widely varied with different premises and settings instead of recycled plots [31] [32] [33] [34]. Fair enough. But please! Solve cliffhangers eventually! [35]

Anyway, back to our main cast. Thanks to Loona’s closing the portal back to Hell at the wrong time before Moxxie and Blitzo got captured, the couple get split apart [35]. I felt horrible for Millie as she was shedding tears whilst banging on the wall in desperation for the other imp’s safety. Even though Loona is still as ignorant and self-centred as always, I can see some new development when it comes to teaming up with Millie on a quest to find the dudes. Millie is as self-empowered as Harley Quinn in The Suicide Squad as she slaughters agents [62], once again proving that the rescuer does not always have to be a male and that the damsel-in-distress does not always have to be a female [78] [79]. In additional girl power, Loona kicks butt as well in her human disguise after using her enhanced sense of smell, showing a more noble side of her, in spite of her sass [35]. The friendliness between Millie and Blitzo during another fighting scene was just adorable and it was also cute with he gave his Loony a kiss, being proud of her. Together, Loona and Millie can be classified as the non-galactic R-rated Rivet and Kit in “Truth Seekers” [43] [44].

This moment just screams, “Ratchet and Clank!” right in our faces [50]! [35]

The Immediate Murder Professionals are antiheroes from Hell. What do we expect? Of course, there are going to keep shooting and slaying! And of course, the forthcoming Hazbin Hotel TV series is not going to air on a channel aimed at children [5] [55]. [35]

I really did not want Stolas to perish in the sixth episode [34]. Hopefully, my fanfiction about him meeting Lisa Cooper has provided a legitimate reason for his absence from the third and fourth episodes, despite it not being canon [82]. Luckily enough, in “Truth Seekers”, he appears at some point during Blitzo’s hallucination on a throne [35]. Once the two male imps were fighting with the gals again in reality, the big red button was pushed, gradually leading to some tension. Whoa! Would you believe that the lanky prince would confront the two notable members of D.H.O.R.K.S. so suspensefully, artistically and nightmarishly during a fully red scene slowly flashing on and off? Hopefully, his daughter never had to encounter something like it when she was little [32] [57] [71] [72]. About a month ago, I realised that Stolas’ character is based on a mythical being who knows a lot of astronomy [61], which explains the constellations floating around his bathtub in “Murder Family” [33]. Despite him scolding his forbidden lover and his team afterwards at the end of “Truth Seekers”, such a noble deed when it came to causing the most horrifying scene in the series so far is some powerful new development for him [35]. Since he is still alive, I can keep being a happy sinner.

“Did you hear that, Blitzy? The writer of this review on our new episode can keep being a happy sinner, even though she probably needs a new pair of knickers after witnessing my scare tactics! I must have given her goosebumps!” [35]

This potential love interest for an imp is basically the Helluva Boss version of Stolas, the thirty-sixth spirit of the Ars Goetia who is a prince of Hell and a fallen angel [61]. I believe there could be the introduction of a zany “Helluva Boss” interpretation of any of the other seventy-one demons of the Ars Goetia or some backstory of how Stolas used to reside in Heaven in a future episode [60]. As for “Truth Seekers”, I am sure many Stolitz shippers are satisfied with him and his little imp making out. [35]

I am amazed that the new song titled “Moxxie’s Bad Trip” in “Truth Seekers” is an emotional opera ballad during Blitzo and Moxxie’s hallucinations, along with two new animation styles [35]. I can tell that the animation has received quite some upgrades exclusively for the musical number about the deep conflict between a hell of a boss and his employee. Aside from animation being smoother in Moxxie’s hallucination, his eyes have received a glossy look as he strides up the stairs. Blitzo in his hallucination features him looking quite like something from Cuphead [58]. I was shocked to see three familiar villains return to torment him in new artistic aesthetics [32] [34] [78] [79]. As previously mentioned, he then sees Stolas sitting on a throne at the top of a heavenly staircase, showing a deeper meaning of his affairs with him [35]. The way many golden leaves engulf him as chanting about him apparently dying alone someday drone on is sure to send a chill down a spine. I can see that the extra time and effort put into the episode is partly because of the new style of animation exclusively for a new song, which is highly impressive for expanding on the artistic ambitions and character development put into the series so far.

Phantom of the Opera, anyone? It was strange enough that a topless parody of Betty Boop was on telly in “C.H.E.R.U.B.S.” [31]. Of course, the interpretation of Blitzo parodying Phantom of the Opera represents opera being Moxxie’s favourite music genre [31]. And would you believe his singing was performed by Michael James Ruocco [15]? [35]

The surreal deceptions of the villains from other episodes add more to the insecurities Blitzo hides behind his wittiness and vulgarity and provide some backstory on how they became enemies with him [32] [34] [35]. It is amusing how his drawing of Moxxie from his storyboards is featured [68] [69] [78] [79]. If it was not for the deep developments of the imps in captivity, the hallucinations would not have much of a purpose. [35]

More of the songs of the first season might as well be sorted into:

  •         I.M.P. Jingle and C.H.E.R.U.B. Jingle – Broadway [30] [31]
  •         My World Is Burning Down Around Me – Emo [6]
  •         Mustang Dong – Heavy Rock [87]

I do not think the series needs another opera musical number as that was also briefly established in “C.H.E.R.U.B.”. However, please ensure that another opera song will NOT consist of vocals that sound like a constipated walrus like Fitz’s singing in 12 Oz. Mouse [1]! Since Verosika Mayday is a glamourous pop singer, I still believe that she ought to sing another song in a different subgenre of pop music, such as country pop. She could perform her next song with Striker since I have mentioned that I personally ship the two fiends together. I have a feeling that their world tours would be as risky as the levels in Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: World Tour, a Flash game from the mid-2000s days of the Cartoon Network website [17]. I am pretty sure that there will be a French dub of “You Will Be Okay” that will be just as heart-warming once the French dub of “Loo Loo Land” is released [32].

The overall list of songs for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss so far has been outstanding with a variety of different genres [76] [77]. I wonder what development for Vox from the Hazbin Hotel pilot will occur in a new animated music video for a certain new song that was produced by Silva Hound and sung by DAGames [48]. [49]

Again, my dear fiendish slayers are welcome to correct me if I state the incorrect genre of a song in the series [76] [77]. Nevertheless, I do not doubt that there will be some Italian versions of the songs in the official Italian dub of Helluva Boss pilot soon [15]. [34]

Let us delve into the animation in reality and the hallucinations of the two male imps. The D.H.O.R.K.S. headquarters is colourless and gritty, fitting the theme of two members of an assignation agency on a rescue mission [35]. I love how there are candles at the edges of the staircase Moxxie strides up in his hallucination, along with how the piano an interpretation of Blitzo is elegantly designed, resembling something from Heaven [31]. It, along with the candlesticks look 3D once Moxxie sits next to him, which is another addition to the amount of artistry put into the hallucination [35]. It sure is assuming how the interpretation of Moxxie. The streaks of coloured gunk flying around add to the surrealism of Blitzo’s hallucination. The camera work and motion during the whole team’s killing spree in reality is impressive, adding some realism within the cartoon gore and violence. However, there may be some concerns about it suddenly causing motion sickness. The scene illuminated by a big red light slowly flashing on and off greatly increase the horror factor of Stolas’ scare tactics, giving me slight goosebumps. Overall, the quality of the animation and visuals in “Truth Seekers” is outstanding, upgraded with further ambition.

There are so many great new artistic elements put into this extra-long episode. The golden cuffs that appear as he crawls on the staircase in Blitzo’s hallucination must represent the discomfort of being submissive when it comes to bribing Stolas with sexual offerings. The scenery of Moxxie’s hallucination is outstanding with heavenly colours and classy effects, fitting the opera genre of music. This episode was worth the wait, especially during the Summer sales of new merchandise [28] [36]. [35]

I just cannot get over how terrifying this scene is, especially how Agent Two gets possessed by Stolas for a brief moment before she vomits him out! I think the goetia prince ought to put up a curtain that says “Keep Out Or DIE!” for his next sexual act with his Blitzy [59]. [35]

What else shall we expect in the future of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel? I sure hope the God of the Vivziepop interpretation of Heaven will not be as corrupt as the God from DarkMatter2525’s YouTube channel [25]. Quite uniquely, a scene of a place in Heaven, especially Cherub Town can be set during the nighttime with a celestial night sky and darkened clouds in a new episode of Helluva Boss [31]. Charlie’s idea for running a hotel for sinners to evolve into redeemable immigrants for Heaven is highly fascinating and she never deserved to be ridiculed by the public for announcing it [29], but I think there can also be a hostel for female sinners who were victims of religious misogyny in either Heaven or Hell, quite similar to how there are women’s refuges for women who were victims of domestic violence in real life [47] [63]. Alternatively, the same idea can be for homosexual sinners regardless of gender who were victims of homophobic hate crimes right before their deaths. Could there be a war between the exterminators and Athena, the goddess of war [66]? Will a greedy crab end up in the Greed Ring [53] [56]? I cannot wait to see what lies in the other four rings of Hell [76] [77].

Could one extra ring of Hell be an interpretation of Purgatory, the middle ground between Heaven and Hell Roman Catholics believe in [4] [52]? [34]

I just wonder if any of the imps in business will ever get a new hellphone that is a foldable smartphone, either like the new Galaxy Z Fold3 or the new Galaxy Z Flip3 5G from Samsung [45] [46]. [35]

With so much effort put into the special and some other time to prepare for the release of the next episode of Hazbin Hotel on the air [55], it is no wonder it took three months after the release of the previous episode to be summoned in the best quality possible. Even though the series is not beyond criticism, I strongly believe it still deserves its positive reception. I still wonder when the official French dub of “Murder Family” will be released as that episode is possibly the most acclaimed one due to the similarities it shares with the pilot [13] [30] [33]. I think there is some potential for a Canadian or Québec dub of the pilot classified as the second French dub since there are some grammatical and other differences between French of France and varieties of Canadian French, including Québécois [23] [40] [41] [65] [85] [86]. However, that might only be as necessary as a British English dub, although I do not mind the idea of the imps and humans having British accents while Stolas and his family have American accents. I cannot wait for two more episodes that may just be the last two of the first season. One of them could feature Striker…striking again [34].

I like how the SpindleHorse logo is coloured differently, depending on the style of the credit sequence that matches the premise of the episode [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]. [32]

It looks like Blitzo really does have feelings for one of the goetia princes after all as he is still willing to seduce him, not just for his grimoire [33]. How he makes him have a brief…you know what after being rescued backs up for the theory that he is part-incubus [2] [35]. As previously stated, I think some deeper development in their relationship will occur if Striker strikes back in a future episode [34]. [35]

With six outstanding episodes in a row to catch up to the number of the beast, the overall outcome of the first season is out of this human world! Despite such praise, I am aware that the show is not beyond criticism as there were some aspects of “Spring Break” and “C.H.E.R.U.B.” I did not particularly like, along with a concern regarding the portrayal of Moxxie and Millie in one of those episodes [42] [78] [79]. Nevertheless, I believe that the series deserves the mostly positive reception it gets for its engaging primary concept. Who knows what the last two episodes of the first season and a second season will bring? How about an episode centred around a holiday that is celebrated by hellborns in Hell as the polar opposite of Easter called “Wester”? Or better yet, how about an episode centred around dealing with another tribe of imps or hellhounds who identify themselves as pirates in the Sloth Ring, Lust Ring, Envy Ring or Gluttony Ring [73] [74]? Could Vortex’s girlfriend be one of them [78] [79]? Will the second season prevent the series from jumping a volcanic shark [67]? As previously stated, there could perhaps be an official Italian dub of the pilot in late 2021. Ciao! Stay sinful, royal owls and professionally murderous imps!

Once again, I have been told that I am not alone [54]. Furthermore, I know that I am not alone when it comes to being a fan of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss because deep down, I know that I am not “promoting demons” for being a fan of two animated series aimed at a mature audience [5]. I am just admiring the artistry and creativity of it all. I do not need to go to a closet and pray for being a fan of both shows [39] [51]. [35]

The Italian dub of the Hazbin Hotel pilot was worth it [14], not just because Angel Dust is Italian. I think a little more effort went into the French dub of the Hazbin Hotel pilot due to how there was more English font being translated into French, compared to the Italian dub [9] [29]. Speaking of Italian, I am still up for Mario and Luigi from the Super Mario franchise teaching the near future’s youth how to speak that language [80] [81]. Furthermore, I am also up for an Italian dub of the pilot episode of Helluva Boss [13]. Arrivederci! [35]


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  83. Williams, L. (2021). The Fiendish Fifth Episode Of Helluva Boss. Available: Last accessed 9th May 2021.
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