Monday 18 December 2023

Hell To Pay Before Its Praise For Hazbin Hotel On Prime Video

(Originally posted on on the 15th of December 2023)


This is an analysis of two trailers for an animated series and a preview of one of its musical numbers that are highly likely to contain content aimed at mature audiences, including:

  •       Strong profanity
  •       Explicit sexual references, including a moment of sexual intercourse
  •       Strong cartoon violence, including blood and gore
  •       Moderate drug references
  •       Cannibalism
  •       Hellish imagery

Reader discretion is advised.


Greetings, fellow hazbeans! During last year’s Christmas break, more excitement for Hazbin Hotel rose from the depths of the Pride Ring [72], starting with a recipe for a cocktail from Husk for those who signed up at the official website [33] [41]. The hype was increased by the power of an announcement trailer and a sneak peek of a musical number [75] [94]. Just before another big reveal of what else will occur in the television show [78], a few signs of whether the relationship between Stolas and Blitzo will be okay or not in the rest of the second season of Helluva Boss were also summoned [122] [123]. It would take more than an updated logo and a highly promising poster to keep an audience alerted [51] [65], despite frustratingly bad marketing that led to a delay [9] [17]. During this year’s Christmas break, let us analyse the two trailers that were summoned from the depths of diligence in the second half of 2023 and reflect on the sneak peeks that were posted on Twitter last year and in the first half of this year before it was rebranded as “X” and the screenshots that were revealed before the release of the main trailer [44] [72] [75] [78] [94]. After all, I have reviewed the pilot twice and have had high hopes for what will come next ever since its release [118] [119] [124] [125].

Just before the big reveal of what the updated interpretation of redemption in Hell will be like [72], sneak peeks for the third episode of the second season of Helluva Boss were also summoned [71]. Oh, how time flies by. The marketing for the series was concerningly lacking for a while [9] [17], but with two trailers and such pumping up the hype to the fullest [78] [97], the damnation to R-rated animation can be as kinkily scorching as the acclaim of the pilot from 2019 [84]. There is no “Nice” or “Naughty” list this year as the return of Who Fanarted? resulted in a lot more appreciation from Eric Schwartz [104], the comedian who voiced Chazwick Thurman in the third episode of the second episode of Helluva Boss [80]. Please do not let him take over [31]. [51]

I am not so sure about how Charlie Morningstar’s shoulders look when her upper arms are down at certain angles when she is wearing her jacket [44], but it will still be interesting to see new merchandise finally being able to legally feature all the characters’ redesigns in the future [47] [48]. Besides that, Charlie is dedicated to her dream of helping sinners enter Heaven [75] [78]. Aside from her cheery persona and passion for singing, she expresses disgust towards groups of sinners being cannibals, along with a sinner being inappropriate towards her in a new song that will be explained later and appears to be angry at another character who will also be discussed later [77] [78]. I still believe the lovely Charlie can be Hell’s equivalent of a Disney princess, especially in how she sings angelically and can be relatable when it comes to the struggles of running a hotel for sinners wanting to redeem themselves and staying determined for the sake of others [118] [119] [124] [125], despite undeserved ridicule, yet there still seem to be moments of her toughening up alongside her demon form popping up [78]. Providing the uniqueness of the series’ premise, Charlie is one of my favourite characters besides Angel Dust.

The princess of Hell is emotionally driven by a goal that will not be easy [78]. Bless her. [75]

Vaggie may have seemed aggressive as she was seen almost throwing Niffty [72], but I know that she will still be level-headed when it comes to helping Charlie fulfil a dream to tell [44] [46] [75]. Furthermore, her efforts to halt Charlie during a musical number within a preview is a callback to her not wanting to start a musical number in the pilot [75] [76]. On the other four-fingered hand, she will still be distrusting and cynical of Alastor as her bitter questioning towards his advertising is a callback to Moxxie’s critical nature towards the I.M.P. advert in the pilot for Helluva Boss [78] [84] [85]. I have suspected the present-day Charlie will sing with her girlfriend Vaggie at some point in the television series for several months [43], much to my delight as they are my favourite Hazbin Hotel couple and they are seen swinging one another around by the hand in the announcement trailer and the preview of a musical number [75] [97]. Aside from more signs of being a warrior, she could gradually become softer towards Angel Dust, but not in a bi-curious way as it was made clear that she is a lesbian and the idea of them being a couple was scrapped during the IP’s development [124] [125]. Vaggie’s independence and balance between feistiness and wholesomeness are sure to honour lesbian representation in R-rated animation [51] [75] [97].

Theory has it that Vaggie is a former exterminator [10]. Could that be the case, according to a screenshot that was eventually deleted for the sake of preventing spoilers? [78]
The focus on Charlie and Vaggie and their character progressions can show that the Hellaverse is not completely male-focused and misogynistic [51], even though I have suspected that Helluva Boss may not technically be considered a spin-off of Hazbin Hotel these days unless Loo Loo Land will be referenced somehow in an episode [81][78]

How Angel Dust’s bottom gloves are now the same colour as his flesh is a little off-putting to me [75] [78] [97], but it is more important to ensure that his character development will be unmistakable throughout his journey to redemption, especially outside of his career as an adult film star, considering how he was created at the time Medrano was in a toxic relationship [120] [121]. Moreover, the screenshot of him looking quite gloomy under a spiral of red smoke is a callback to the music video for “Addict” [2], a song sung by his previous voice actor [68]. A brief highlight of his redemption could be forming a romantic attachment to Husk as he is seen standing right next to him near the end of the announcement trailer and by a “Loser” sign in the main trailer [53]. As shown in one of the sneak peeks and the announcement trailer, he will perform in a provocative black outfit in what appears to be a musical number [44] [97]. He is also as wisecracking as he was in the pilot as shown in the preview of a song titled “Happy Day In Hell” [75]. The four-armed frenemy’s personality can still be a reminder of Deadpool and an adult version of Bart Simpson [26] [30], even when it comes to showing that he is more than a gay porn star.

I personally believe that the four-armed frenemy will end up in a love-hate relationship with Husk [76], quite like Stolas and Blitzo in Helluva Boss [84] [85], but I still stand by the relationship between a prince and an imp blooming into one like the relationship between the Lord of the Lust Ring and a celebrity jester [37] [82] [83] [122] [123]. Aside from that, Angel Dust seems a little critical towards the scripts he is given [78], but not as blunt as Fat Nuggets pooping on a carpet [101]. Most importantly, his progress in the hotel could be like Deadpool trying to be more heroic in Deadpool 2 [26]. [97]

In the announcement trailer, Alastor appears to be in a meeting with several other demons, including Rosie and Red Velvette [97], which could be linked to how he only agreed to run the hotel as if it were a reality show [76]. The way he advertises the hotel at the beginning of the second trailer reminds me of the I.M.P commercial from the pilot for Helluva Boss [84] [85], but it is imperative that Hazbin Hotel provides some elements to make it stand out as a television series adapted from the success of a pilot on YouTube [76] [78]. Another example of his powerful demon summoning is shown just before another new character sheds some goriness [78]. As previously hinted in a sneak peek featuring his station, he seems to have a rivalry with Vox, one of the overlords [72]. This is faintly expanded in the announcement trailer with a background battle that is vaguely a reminder of the first Garfield & Friends intro [34] [97]. As he laughs menacingly in a sneak peek that was uploaded back in May [45], it is likely that he will have no remorse when it comes to treating the hotel like a reality show instead of a rehabilitation centre [76]. It is strongly believed that Alastor will be the antihero of the series with the charisma of a radio show host and the cunningness and tyranny of a serial killer [78].

I am afraid I have only seen Damien Darkblood two months ago, Mr. Alastor sir [96]. I still remember the moment you and Lucifer kissed nearly a year ago like it was yesterday [19]. [97]

Who knows what scheme Sir Pentious will come up with as he was previously seen making quite a scene as Angel Dust and Vaggie walk by [72]? Moreover, some of his minions known as the “Egg Bois” are seen messing with a weapon in the announcement trailer and they are seen on a cannon-like weapon in one of the screenshots [2] [97]. In the main trailer, the python-like sinner appears to be acting out a scene for advertising the hotel as a child with a lollipop, leading to him being even more comedic than he was in the pilot [76] [78]. But in all seriousness, perhaps he can be inspired to no longer be a villain, providing some character development. There can also be some backstory on how he became a villain before he died, along with how he and Cherri Bomb became enemies [120] [121]. Aside from sociopathic tendencies and an ego that make him comparable to many other cartoon villains [118] [119] [124] [125], Sir Pentious can be an example of someone who remained in Hell long enough to a become villain, but could strive hard enough to become a hero, yet chances are that Alastor’s showbiz schemes will make it a tough road for him and many other guests.

“If you want to blow somebody up, use a really big cannon!” - Wakko Warner, 1996 [3]. [2]

What can we say about the other fellas in a helluva hotel? Let us not forget about Husk, the grouchy cat-like sinner who is hired as a bartender and rudely asks “Who are f***ing high?!” in the main trailer [78], yet he looks unnerved at Vaggie about to throw Niffty in one of the sneak peeks [72]. Aside from the hope of him receiving some depth beyond a cynical and apathetic manner that would be like Loona’s character development in “Queen Bee” and gradually softening up to Angel Dust since he is pansexual as is also seen possibly singing with him [53] [58] [87], there could be a flashback of him gambling with some other gamblers in the living world [58]. I am aware that the fried chicken fetuses who serve Sir Pentious may not be as iconic and quirky as the minions from the Despicable Me franchise and the raving rabbids that overtook Rayman’s spotlight since 2006 [27] [28] [29] [91] [111], but they can still provide some effectiveness to humour involving their master’s schemes, quite like Orbot and Cubot as they are Dr. Eggman’s assistants in Sonic Colours and the Sonic Boom television series [105] [108]. Helluva Boss may have received some flak for being a little too male-focused but let us provide the best for both genders in a new era of Hell in the first and second seasons of Hazbin Hotel [24] [122] [123]. 

Perhaps there could also be some backstory on how Husk met Alastor [76] [89]. Aside from that, I am quite bewildered at how the charismatic radio demon can turn his head three-hundred-and-sixty degrees [97]. [52] [78]

I wonder if Lucifer’s horses and men had to put some of these bois together again [109]. [96]

Besides Charlie being the protagonist of Hazbin Hotel and Vaggie being her love interest [118] [119] [124] [125], what can we say about the other female characters? Remember the little darling named “Niffty”, along with Angel Dust’s bomb-hurling companion [68] [76]? Uh oh! It looks like there is a side to Niffty that I never thought I would witness as she seems laughing fiendishly at the balcony of the first floor of the hotel and…holding a knife in two screenshots [2]. There is also a moment of Cherri Bomb asking Charlie to hold one of her bombs [78], which shows that not everyone is as skilled as Bomberman [62]. I am quite curious about the one-eyed fella who she negatively thought of in the “Addict” music video as he could be a toxic relative or ex-partner of hers and an adaption of a scrapped ZooPhobia character [70] [126]. Niffty is sure to be the adorable maid with a dark side, which would explain why she ended up in Hell in the 1950s and Cherri Bomb could provide a reason to eventually be considered purified enough to enter Heaven with Angel Dust or perhaps just remain an antiheroine who loves blowing sh** up [60] [70]. Aside from some more depth for the other gals who showed who they are in the pilot, I still suspect that at least one episode will introduce Helsa Von Eldritch, Charlie’s rival [58].

Since Cherri died at some point in the 1980s [55], perhaps she recalls Pac-Man eating a cherry [115] [116]. In Hell, she could perform a solo pop number to show them more dancing moves [55] [70]. I sure hope Katie Killjoy gets a nice new makeover known as “karma” [76]. [2] [8]

You know what begins with “V” besides “villain”? The names “Vox” and “Valentino”! Sitting next to Travis as the director of the scene Angel Dust acts provocatively in [78], Valentino is sticking to his role as a pimp running a big business [70] [84]. Vox appears to be highly influential as he prepares to report the results of the extermination at his headquarters, which was previously revealed in the announcement trailer. Could the two overloads whose names begin with a “V” be in an open relationship as hinted in the old Voxtagram stories [18]? Well, due to the decanonisation of the Instagram accounts representing the pre-A24 versions of the characters [18], that might not be the case. I have a feeling that Valentino will have violent tendencies as he is seen holding two pistols in a screenshot and still be abusive to Angel Dust, remaining the most controversial Hazbin Hotel character [70], but it would be advised to make that conflict a part of the four-armed enemy motivation to make some progress in the hotel and not some off-colour edginess like the sexual harassment that happened to Moxxie in “Spring Broken”. As for Vox, some villainy awaits him after an interlude by Silva Hound [107].

It can be argued that Vox may be just a rival to Alastor and not a full-blown antagonist [72] [97]. Valentino, on the other two hands, is likely to remain as toxic and controlling as Mammon, the ruler of the Greed Ring from Helluva Boss [82]. I recall some hazbeans expressing concern towards Helluva Boss having too many antagonists [1], which should hopefully not be the case in Hazbin Hotel. [44]

Lilith Morningstar was finally seen outside of her non-canon Instagram account a while ago [100], leading to it, along with her husband’s being somehow rebranded for an updated continuity, but in a flashback with an adorable younger Charlie looking quite saddened [97]. This could mean that there might have been some difficulties in the marriage before they got off the rocks. As for Lucifer, he seemed quite saddened as he casts a spell at the front of the hotel in the announcement trailer, yet he seems quite powerful within two examples in the second trailer [54] [78] [97]. Moreover, it is possible that he might not be another “problematic father” trope as that has already been done with Paimon, Crimson Knowlastname and Cash Buckzo in the second season of Helluva Boss [80] [87], but there still could be a slight issue between a father and a daughter. Perhaps Lilith could be more supportive towards Charlie’s goal, providing the opposite end of the spectrum [76]. Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar were so devilishly cute together during their Voxtagram days as Mr. and Mrs. Magne [66]. It would be swell if the accounts for the other characters could be rebranded for a new continuity following the events of the pilot once the series is on Prime Video [74], but that would require the determination to prevent the same mistakes from being made again [18].

Oh my Satan! Lilith Morningstar is absolutely stunning [98] [99]! [100]

And yes, Lucifer told me that I will go to Hell for wearing socks with sandals [20]…BUT I CAN STILL WRECK HAVOC BY THE POWER OF POETRY [113] [117]! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! [2] [8] [78]

The design of a new character named “Adam” was summoned during last year’s Christmas break [42], sparking a new wave of curiosity. In the announcement trailer, he is seen grinning menacingly as the scene turns pitch black after he slams his fist against what appears to be a lamp on a balcony or a table [97]. This is shown again in the main trailer, revealing his careless act affecting the whole power supply of the Pride Ring [5] [78]. In the main trailer, he just downright mocks Charlie as he is accompanied by another exorcist named “Lute” who appeared with him in a sneak peek [44] [56]. Later on, he poses like a guitar anti-hero. Yes! I had to make that reference! It was previously revealed that he is one of the exterminators hired to reduce Hell’s population. Speaking of exterminators, there will be an episode set during Extermination Day, leading to a flashback of sometime before the events of the pilot that includes his skills in chaotic slaying. By his design that consists of a few angelic features, it is likely that he could make a few references to the higher-ups in Heaven, quite like how one of the cherubs from “C.H.E.R.U.B.” did [79]. I hope you will be well hidden during Extermination Day!

It may be a little uninspired how Adam looks like Blitzo as if he was converted into an exterminator, but you cannot go wrong with how he could be in a Christian rock band in either Heaven or Hell [78], even though the exterminators disregard one of the ten commandments [25]. [78]

Besides Adam, there is some hope for several other characters to be portrayed fascinatingly. Mimzy, another sinner who could be a performer at the hotel as it was revealed before the release of the pilot that she is a singer is seen during the mutilation of a fellow sinner in the main trailer [59] [78]. It looks like an episode will provide some exploration for Rosie appears to be singing alongside Alastor in the song revealed in the main trailer and is also seen being possibly interviewed at her emporium in a screenshot [2] [14] [61] [78]. Another new character named “Sera” appears to be an updated version of Adina from ZooPhobia who must be a red-winged angel who assists in the extermination [6] [15], which makes me suspect that she could be shipped with Adam. There is also a screenshot of someone between two other characters who is the mysteriously designed lady who appeared in the pilot drawing back some curtains as who appears to be someone close to her has a drink behind her [2] [14] [76]. The mobsters who prepare to attack the hotel at some point before getting pwned by Alastor might just be some run-of-the-hill fiends [78]. There is also a little slapstick with another demon setting himself on fire. What could the motivation for a sinner wanting to be redeemed be? To see a loved one in Heaven [7]?

Could Franklin, Rosie’s husband have been killed on Extermination Day [61]? It would be interesting to hear her speak and learn about her personality after a very small role in the pilot [76]. [2]

The way Sera grins menacingly as she watches a flock of fire in the Pride Ring could be the sign of her being another antagonist [78], but as previously mentioned, there could hopefully be a number of villains in Hazbin Hotel that can be considered desirably less, compared to the number of villains in Helluva Boss [1]. [78]

The visuals look more polished and vibrant [44] [72] [75] [78] [97], compared to the critically acclaimed animation in the pilot [76]. As always, the movements of the characters are lively and expressive [44] [72] [75] [78] [97]. I know there are fellow sinners who prefer the characters’ pilot designs and that is not a sin at all as there are some aspects of the pilot designs I prefer over the ones in the upcoming series [92] [93], such as Charlie’s previously black irises [76]. There are a lot of gaudy character designs for the background characters, including the two demons doing it - doggy style [75], yet the two seen at the start of the main trailer seem a bit uninspired as a vague reminder of the angry buff devil in the Helluva Boss pilot [78] [84] [85]. Even some aspects of the richly detailed Pride Ring have been redesigned, most notably the bell tower for counting down the days until Extermination Day as it now looks godly for a reminder of dealing with the overpopulation of Hell [78]. There are also some vibrant effects, such as a giant green puff of smoke during an explosion. As always, give kudos and compassion to the current AND former animators at SpindleHorse and show some admiration for the assistance from ToonCity [12] [122] [123].

The animation in the trailers and sneak peeks is quite a step up from the pilot [76]. As an agnostic, I hope this will be my afterlife after I die. [78]

Another thing to acknowledge is the new cast for the series. This includes:

  •       Erika Henningsen as Charlie [75] [78]
  •       Stephanie Beatriz as Vaggie [75] [78]
  •       Blake Roman as Angel Dust [75] [78]
  •       Keith David as Husk [75] [78]
  •       Amir Talai as Alastor [75] [78]
  •       Joel Perez as Valentino [16]

I am quite impressed at how the new voices suit each character, most notably Erika Henningsen as Charlie and Blake Roman as Angel Dust. A big plus is that the stars are experienced in Broadway stardom, meaning that they are exceptional at singing [78]. As I suggested before, the voice actors who played their roles in the pilot can always participate in professional fanmade projects [21]. To me, what is a little more important than incredible voice acting that brings characters to the afterlife to many is consistent writing as there is hope that the lore in Hazbin Hotel will be at least a little neater than the lore in Helluva Boss [13] [122] [123], along with compelling portrayals of the characters as I still believe that is more important than their designs and who convincingly voices them. Please show the cast for the pilot AND the cast for the main series some love and support [76] [78], along with the writers who have done their best for the plots of each episode of the first season.

I suppose a new sinner or hellborn could be voiced by a highly experienced mainstream singer [94], which is nothing new but can still work to an extent as Beelzebub is voiced by Kesha [86], even though that resulted in legal issues that caused “Queen Bee” to be delayed for over a year [11]. [78]

Lastly, let us tune into some new songs. On Hallotine’s Day [113] [117], we relished in the delight of the hotel run by Princess Charlie Morningstar opening as she sings like a Disney princess about it in a preview [75], much to my delight. The song titled “Happy Day In Hell” is about her optimism and courage when it comes to beginning a new era for sinners, as well as a few unpleasant, gruesome, and questionable aspects of Hell sung by some background character for some humour and some addition to Charlie’s goal [40], being a follow up to “Inside Every Demon Is A Rainbow” from the pilot [76]. Two new songs are heard in the main trailer, which sounds like the introduction of a Broadway musical, starting with Charlie singing about wanting something as she was the one who primarily sang in the pilot. According to the lyrics of the second song, the musical number might occur during the day of extermination or a battle between Heaven and Hell. Several new songs in the first season ought to include another jazz number performed by Alastor [76], an emotional reflection on a toxic working environment and drug addiction by Angel Dust and as previously mentioned [70], a beautiful romantic ballad by Charlie and Vaggie [42].

I adore the new songs sounding like songs from a Broadway musical, but I believe that some more ought to be in a few other genres of music, such as metal, pop, hip-hop, techno, and country for a little variety. [78]

The first season of Hazbin Hotel will premiere on Prime Video this January after over a four-year wait and the second season is in the works [49] [78] [97]. Also, in the new year of the dragon [23] [103], a new destiny awaits Po in Kung Fu Panda 4 [112], the search for love returns in Love Island All-Stars [63], and a whole new take on Mean Girls will be a musical that could be so fetch...or written in a burn book [69] [95]. Hazbin Hotel has the potential to be even better than the pilot and the rest of the second season of Helluva Boss has the potential to be as exceptional as its sixth and seventh episodes [76] [82] [83]. My owl daddy from the sister series on YouTube will still tell me that I will be okay and appreciate the hard work I put into writing about the Hellaverse [102] [109] [114], aside from my break from it and focus on other intellectual properties to discuss [122] [123]. Surely, there could be an official crossover between the two series at some point [120] [121]. After watching the trailer and a few previews, I am almost ready to sacrifice my soul to see the first season airing on Prime Video at the start of 2024 and we shall reflect on how long Vivienne Medrano, the creator of the series has come from “The Son of 666” [88].

It may not have been easy being a fan of Vivienne Medrano’s work [32], but be sure to give some love and support to her, Brandon Rogers and all of the talented and hardworking people at SpindleHorse [73]. And be sure to show appreciation for expectational foreign dubs [85], including the Latin-Spanish dubs of Helluva Boss episodes by Geecko Productions [35] [36] [37]! Lastly, as always, please do not go and bash those who do not praise the Hellaverse as highly as I do as it is okay to find and explain some flaws in it [122] [123]. Stay sinful and have a Merry Christmas [22] [90] [106]! [97]

Now where’s the free popcorn for Sarah from Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy [4]? [2] [8]


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The Third Trailer For The Second Season Of Helluva Boss

Disclaimer: This is an analysis and review of a trailer for the rest of the second season of an animated series that contains content aimed ...