Saturday 26 February 2022

Some More Prayers For The Second Season Of Helluva Boss


This is a reflection on a teaser trailer for the second season of an animated series that contains content aimed at mature audiences, including:

  •       Mildly disturbing imagery
  •       Cartoon violence, including blood
  •       Suggestive sexual references

Reader discretion is advised.

Especially after being seduced by the voice of the announcer of the 2022 Valentine’s Day merchandise sales [39] [56] [63], I am still enticed just thinking about how the sinful legacy of Helluva Boss can be expanded for a new season. Earlier this month, it was announced that not only will the second part of the season finale rise from the depths soon but is already some progress of Season Two in the works, which shows how dedicated the creative team is still being. Moreover, I will be sure to brace myself for the second part of the first season’s finale first sometime after witnessing Charlotte Magne…or Charlie Morningstar’s updated design with notable differences on the evening 2022 was gazing at its reflection in a mirror and feeling alive as I encountered a new Monster High doll line [30] [31] [33] [60] [90]. While a long-running cartoon like Arthur can eventually come to an end with a highly satisfying conclusion [88], a cartoon that still has a lot more potential to show like Helluva Boss can warm up for a new chapter [60]. In the meantime, let us reflect on what we have seen in the teaser trailer during the Christmas break and expand on what we can expect from the final outcome.

Someone may have hoped that I would “suffer” in Hell and viciously insulted me a while ago [2], but I will not rot if I end up down there. I will be a happy Hazbean, guided by one of the goetia princes [91]. Additionally, I can be associated with a shelter for deceased women who were victims of religious misogyny and have apparently worshipped the wrong god [49] [51] [52]. [60]

I just love the colour palette for the limited stock of these Valentine’s Day pin up pins [39] [63]. Valentine’s Day may be over, but there is still a lot of love to go around, even in Hades. [56]

I can see that Blitzo must have had a troubled past, including some conflict between him and Fizzarolli, a job he hated, his father being unsupportive and a bitter break up with a pop star, leading to a fear of dying alone [58] [60] [61] [62] [97] [98]. Very similar to Deadpool, he tends to hide his misery behind wittiness and hard work in killing people for financial gain [97] [98]. I may not condone him stalking his employees, but I shall root for how he can challenge himself to an extent and try to do something about how he truly feels deep inside. One new aspect of the Blitzster’s character I would like to see within an expansion of it is his relationship with Barbie Wire, his twin sister, along with her official debut [32]. I wonder if she can appear in a new episode and possibly discuss what her time at rehab was like [61]. Could she be able to successfully seduce a target as possibly a part-succubus? Introducing Barbie Wire would provide a few fascinating aspects of Blitzo’s personal evolution, apart from what will motivate him to confront Fizzarolli once again. But firstly, some further development in the second part of the Season One finale awaits him [97] [98].

Look out! He’s got a gun!! [57]

Since Blitzo and Barbie Wire used to be performers who worked together, I am curious about whether Barbie still works as a circus performer or not. Speaking of sisters, it happens to be my sister’s birthday at the time of this article’s publication. [32]

There is still some curiosity towards Moxxie’s alliance with a new character who appears to be another male imp [57] [97] [98]. What could possibly motivate him into participating in a robberyLooking back at some of the previous episodes, I can see how some slapstick given to Moxxie, along with the mistreatment he gets from some other characters would be considered too mean-spirited [97] [98], almost by the likes of episodes of Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends that were criticised for their mean-spirited premises [46] [47] [48] [69] [80]. Hell, I did not like how the white-haired warrior was sexually harassed by Verosika and her team before a battle for gathering the most human victims began over a blooming parking space [61]. Besides, let us think of specific double standards these days [7]. On a lighter note, perhaps there could be some backstory on how Moxxie met and fell in love with Millie way before they got married, which would be pretty interesting. I sincerely hope there will be some similar development he had in “Murder Family” and “Truth Seekers” in a new episode [62], even within an alliance with the mysterious new character and especially when it comes to the portrayal of a specific anxiety-related disorder he could have that explains why he occasionally has panic attacks [59].  

I can see that Moxxie seems to not have C-PTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) due to how he is not entirely distrustful since he is a loving husband, along with how he seems able to sleep well at night [20] [60]. But ultimately, my theory of him having PTSD could be debunked by what was possibly hinted about his family in the trailer for the second season [97] [98]. [60]
I believe that there can be some big character development for Millie in an episode in the second season, which can also apply to Loona for a little more balance between development for male characters and female characters. She has been adorable and rather inspiring with her positivity, nobility and toughness throughout the series [58] [59] [60] [61] [62]. However, I think there can be something more about the beauty mark babe than the fact that she is a country impette who loves her husband unconditionally and kills people with him and her boss in a new episode [8]. As previously mentioned, there can be some backstory on how she fell in love with Moxxie at some point before they got married and employed at I.M.P.. Could there be a little more interaction between Millie and her sister Sallie May in some further exploration of her family [97] [98], aside from the possibility that Moxxie meeting their father could have been a bit like in Meet The Parents [55]? And of course, there should not be any moments that would be considered out of character as there was a lesson in an episode of My Little Pony: Pony Life titled “Dol-FIN-ale”, but it was being learned by the wrong character; Fluttershy [65].

Call Moxxie x Millie sappy all you want, but I do not EVER want them to get divorced. This is coming from someone who wrote a love poem for a special someone [94]. [60]

There is some hope for Loona to be even closer to Vortex, in spite of the fact he is already in a relationship [61]. I just wonder if his girlfriend will make a debut as a potential love rival for Loona. Aside from the expansion of her feelings towards him, I still believe there can be some growth between her and Moxxie in terms of not only employability but losing the fear of showing vulnerability without completely recycling aspects of growth in “Spring Broken” and “Truth Seekers” [61] [62]. As hinted on Voxtagram, she also appears to be a fan of Flee, a parody of Glee [64]. Yes, I know the Voxtagram stories are no longer canon [97] [98], but I think there can be some adaptions of the posts from mid-2020 that can be updated into witty side events for the second season, such as Stolas’ previous bath time and the trio of diligently brutal imps on a summer vacation [14] [23]. What is more important though is not only solving the two cliffhangers than the fifth and sixth episodes but providing something fairly new for characters like Loona to show further exploration, even though she can still be sassy as her prime trait [97] [98].

Perhaps Charlie from Hazbin Hotel can offer Loona a strawberry frappuccino sometime [33]. [57]

How I wish I could be sung to by a certain owl daddy [91], even though the Feather Fairy is probably annoyed at him by now [19] [97] [98]. One tiny detail I missed during my analysis of the trailer for Season Two is how he is tied up on some railway tracks, which is likely to lead to Striker sticking to a certain promise [57]. Perhaps Stolas can practise axe throwing for his dearest Blitzy outside of his royalty and astronomy in the second season [45]? Despite my love for him, I am not saying that my favourite character of the series is beyond criticism as I understand that some Hazbeans do not like how he cheated on his wife [58]. Nevertheless, as much as I love the loveable crossover between Hello Kitty and Pusheen that makes us purr [40] [41] [42] [77] [78] [79], I would love some more of Stolas of the Ars Goetia’s wholesome side [21]. Perhaps an example of this could be him trying to comfort Blitzo at a specific time of need [83]. Besides, he is a fallen angel [44]. Bryce Pinkham has done a fantastic job at voicing him ever since the first episode of the first season and I sure would love to hear him sing again sometime soon [58] [59], along with an even better representation of his homosexuality [4].

Bless thee, Stolas! Bless thee! Thou art the owl-daddy-damsel in-distress! Would you be up for giving your impish bittersweetheart a shoulder massage (again) before your captivity [92] [93]? [57]

Speaking of Stolas not being beyond criticism, I am up for some depth of his wife and daughter too. Could there be a moment when there is a far more sympathetic side of Stella, especially for those Hazbeans who sincerely do not antagonise her, despite her misdeed and the possibility of her committing revenge cheating [50]? Besides, from what I have seen in the series, she is at least more sympathetic than Valentino who is clearly repulsive and abusive to Angel Dust [38]. I would much rather see the high school or sixth form centre Octavia is seen arriving at be a far more mature version of Monster High than some crude Waterloo Road wannabe [11] [57] [90], even though there might be some predictable teen angst jokes and a bit of stereotyping here and there [97] [98]. Do not get me started with a gothic Pink Dawn from the Danger Mouse reboot [26]. When I was a teenager, I stuck to cartoons because I did not need more drama on my plate. I needed some mechanism to help me forget about the troubles I had back in the day…and I still do as an adult [3], which is why I am dying to watch more of Helluva Boss soon [13] [97] [98].

Stella is the only character from the pilot who has received a redesign [22] [25] [37], which leads to some Hazbeans believing that the pilot is partially non-canon. This is understandable as there are pilots of popular cartoons with notable differences in terms of character design. No need to call a lawyer [27]. [24]

Aside from Asmodeus, Stolas and his family, I am sure that there can eventually be a quirky Vivziepop interpretation of any of the other rulers of the Ars Goetia since there are about seventy-two of them [28]. Could they have their own grimoires to travel to different realms with and their own mansions to reside in? That bird-like demon wearing a crown seen in the teaser trailer for the second season could be either Malphas, Halphas or Ipos [66] [67] [68]. I am pretty sure some of the Ars Goetia rulers can speak in Scottish accents to further expand on its diversity as Pixar’s Brave starred a Scottish princess [16]. Could the chosen rulers to be interpreted have spouses and children of their own as well? Perhaps some of those kings, princes, dukes, counts or presidents can be gay, bisexual or pansexual and possibly improve the show’s overall LGBTQ+ representation alongside a great improvement of Stolas’ relationship with an imp for all the Stolitz lovers out there [28]. Or better yet, a few of them can be asexual or non-binary for some great asexual or non-binary representation in Helluva Boss too [6]. Come on! I swear I have not joined the social justice chant from South Park [54]!

Could this royal of the Ars Goetia be a sibling of either Stolas or Stella? [57]

Apart from what has been revealed in the Lust Ring, including a place named “Ozzie’s” [60], we are still wondering what the Gluttony Ring, Sloth Ring and Envy Ring are like, which is what I am the most curious for [36]. Let us take a look at a certain icon that can be seen on a hellphone, along with some new information on Hell’s geography [60]. The icon consists of seven differently coloured rings [36]. Since the green ring is highly likely to be the Greed Ring due to its sky also being green [58], the area that is shown that the beginning and fully animated part of the teaser trailer and the update from the creative team on Twitter must be the Gluttony Ring [36]. Looking closely at the information on where Elevator 666 can take a hellborn to [60], it is safe to say that the Envy Ring’s signature colour is purple and that the Sloth Ring’s signature colour is pink [36]. And of course, there can be some new locations in the other rings of Hell revealed in the second season too. I also believe that Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants would end up in the Greed Ring if he ever dies [84] [85]. 

There is some speculation that there are nine circles of Hell in total, including the rings that are based on the seven deadly sins and possibly purgatory [18] [97] [98]. Aside from hoping to witness a lot more of Hell, I bet the banished cherubs from the fourth episode miss drinking Deity Cola in Cherub Towne [53]. [36]

I am pretty sure there can be a new business in Hell that brings sinners gifts from Earth that were placed on their graves by their mourning loved ones, despite how Moxxie hinted that it is forbidden to keep things from Earth in Hell [81]. [57]

Now, what else is there to hope for the quality of Helluva Boss to not be tarnished in the next season? I still believe that there ought to be a bigger variety of different music genres for new musical numbers in the forthcoming season, such as black metal, salsa, disco, dubstep and reggae [9]. In terms of humour, I bet it will hopefully not be as repetitive as the notable jokes in The Plasticpuff Girls, which is a parody of The Powerpuff Girls created by PopToonsTV [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76]. What new antagonists could be there aside from the returns of Striker, Fizzarolli and the D.H.O.R.K.S. to further increase the creativity of the show [57] [60] [62]? A hypnotist? A pirate? A greedily corrupt businessman or businesswoman? A fallen angel who still follows religious beliefs that lead to toxicity [12]? Hell is concerningly overpopulated, so there is a lot of possibilities of what new characters can be introduced, even though there still needs to be plenty of room in a new season for new exploration for the already established ones, including Barbie Wire who has only been hinted and mentioned so far [32]. It will all be in the power of outstanding storytelling and inspiring songwriting.

Bang! Bang! Humans are dead!
Fifty bullets! One for each head!
One is red! One is blue!
The rest are full of hellhound poo! [57]

Some more vulgar dialogue will be part of what will make the next season of Helluva Boss another sinful pleasure. If Kirby Right Back At Ya! was a “babyish” show, then how come there were some perverted undertones in the episode “Shell Shocked” [70] [89]? [57]

I would be thrilled to see a fully animated second season after its announcement back in November and the release of its trailer during the Christmas break [57] [97] [98]. It ought to consist of brand new character exploration, new locations in the underworld and a little more female empowerment, possibly including a new lesbian couple in a healthy relationship in any of the rings of Hell [5]. I know what some of you are thinking. Come on, Laura! There has to be more of your recent writing than just “Helluva Boss” this and “Helluva Boss” that! My fellow cartoon fanatics, I promise that I will stay in contact with variety. It is no wonder I have high hopes for a new season of Helluva Boss as being a Hazbean has been a coping mechanism for me. After the troubles I had to face in 2022 so far, I will pray for the best possible outcome of the next season [1], leading to yet another song parody of mine [95] [96]. Moreover, I will be sure to keep following my passion for writing since my father’s cousin was an educational author before I was born [10] [15]. After all, I am still receiving compassion to make up for the unneeded hate I received earlier this year [86] [87].

We still have a lot to look forward to in 2022. This December, we can have another Merry Britmas after marking the first anniversary of Britney Spears being free from an awful conservatorship [17] [29] [82]. Speaking of freedom, I believe that tuning into new episodes of Helluva Boss will be my escapism from all the negativity of 2022 so far [2]. [57]

Until then, my thoughts on the whole finale of the first season will be established as soon as the second part is released for a clear evaluation [97] [98]. [60]


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The Third Trailer For The Second Season Of Helluva Boss

Disclaimer: This is an analysis and review of a trailer for the rest of the second season of an animated series that contains content aimed ...