Saturday 11 July 2020

Dining On Another Slice Of Pony Life

It has been over a week since I briefly reviewed the cartoon based on My Little Pony we know today [56] [57]. Although I had some concerns about overall character development and pointed out some flaws of the backgrounds when the trailer came out on Hasbro’s YouTube channel [55], I remained fairly optimistic about the show’s outcome once I began to review it [56] [57]. Speaking of fairly optimistic, plenty of those beyond my blogs have approved of Pony Life’s redeeming qualities [6] [7], despite how some others are not afraid to point out what could have improved…or simply nitpick in a snarky and witty manner for fun [45] [46] [47]. While those who remember watching the first and second seasons of 12. Oz Mouse on Adult Swim in the second half of the 2000s are waiting to tune into its third season later this month [1] [2] [52], plenty of bronies and pegasisters are still settling down to witness the fast-paced slice of life elements of My Little Pony: Pony Life. As someone who partially rebuilt Ponyville and Canterlot in the mobile application based on Friendship Is Magic as a college student [8] [19], I shall take a sip of the right potion and further express my views on Pony Life.
The secondary logo of My Little Pony: Pony Life. [34]
Since it has been declared that Pinkie Pie is the prime protagonist of Pony Life, there is a theory that the show is simply Pinkie Pie’s point of view [10]. This theory would potentially make sense if the show is quick-paced with a ton of humourous moments and Pinkie has been known for her hyperactivity and wittiness ever since the first seasons of Friendship Is Magic [14]. Since she knows her friends very well, they are pretty much in character in the show. Even though there are signs of Pony Life being non-canon, such as Rarity being a magician and the emotional meaning of Applejack always wearing her hat being completely absent [16] [26], it would make sense for it to take place before the finale of Friendship Is Magic, but only in Pinkie Pie’s point of view. Whether any brony and pegasister would believe in the theory of Pony Life being set in the pink party pony’s point of view or not, there are more important things to be aware of, such as faithful portrayals of iconic characters and what valuable morals can be established for the target audience: very young girls, along with some very young boys.
[I think the inspiration for making Pinkie Pie the protagonist of Pony Life was inspired by the success of Hello Pinkie Pie, a 3D spin-off of Friendship Is Magic exclusively for Hasbro’s YouTube channel [22] [23]. [24]
Theories about Pony Life aside, I am beginning to wish that the design of Applejack’s hat would have at least been respectfully declared to be once worn by Bright Mac, her father instead of seen solely as a whole new trend by Rarity and the other ponies and then suddenly tossed away like an outdated one [16]. Nonetheless, the absence of the meaning of Applejack’s hat can be brushed off as a sign of Pony Life being non-canon. [23]
Let us look into more portrayal of some of the other main ponies. “Why is Twilight Sparkle suddenly competitive towards Rainbow Dash?” I asked myself [28]. As concerning it is to see the risk of competitiveness being taken to a potentially dangerous level [25], I can at least say Twilight’s determination after a moment she procrastinated could be another sign of none of the promotional images being misleading [34], which is far more in character than her competitiveness towards Rainbow Dash. At least Twily and Dashie seem to have learned not to get too carried away when it comes to a competition [27]. Applejack is still the fourth-wall breaker of Pony Life [28], which is at least refreshing to me, but possibly not some purists of the first three seasons of Friendship Is Magic [4] [17] [49]. As surreal, adorable and relatable it is for Fluttershy to shrink in size when she is embarrassed, the sound of a cash register that plays when dolphins appear in her eyes might be an expansion of her “dark side” [27]. Even though some new traits of iconic characters can seem confusing, I can at least see how they can at least try to keep the franchise fresh with a whole new interpretation.
I personally think Twilight’s competitive nature towards is quite out of character in this scene, similar to how Double D was rather out of character in a certain episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy [9]. Nonetheless, I suppose this leads to some depth of unexplored character development. [28]
When Fluttershy has dolphins in her eyes, let us hope she can still remain wise. [27]
Any more portrayal of Rarity and Rainbow Dash? I like how Rarity is seen wearing red lipstick in a black and white scene at some point [39]. Other than that, I can still see how vain she can be, just like her Friendship Is Magic counterpart [26]. I sincerely describe the pink lake to be “breath-taking” while she describes her reflection in it in the same way. What? I like pink water, quite like the water of a blossom bath ran by Princess Liana Rose [44] [58]. As for the speedy pegasus with a multicoloured mane, there is also a moment of her bunged up with a cold, even though she declared to be fine as another sign of her determination to remain as a confident speedster [25]. Nonetheless, it sure is cute when she falls asleep on a cloud after taking a spoonful of soup made by Pinkie Pie. There is another sign of some development in Rainbow Dash, which I will explain after I make a list of some familiar critters. Aside from their traits being spot on, I am more than happy that the main ponies are still willing to learn life lessons for the young children of today.
Darlings, Rarity looks fabulous during this moment! [38]
Another sign of Rainbow Dash being portrayed faithfully in Pony Life is when she prepares to confront "a strange being" and telling her friends to tell citizens her story if she does not succeed, despite Applejack telling her not to. [25]
It is interesting to see the ponies once again own pets in Pony Life [20], similar to how the Disney princesses began to own pets known as “Palace Pets” at some point in the mid-2010s [5] [51]. The pets that are seen competing in a kart race as a brief rehash of the song “Derby Racers” from Friendship Is Magic include [13]:
  •        Angel, Fluttershy’s bunny [27]
  •        Owlowisicious, Twilight Sparkle’s owl [27] [36]
  •        Winona, Applejack’s doggy [27]
  •        Opalescence, Rarity’s kitty [27] [35]
  •        Gummy, Pinkie Pie’s alligator [27] [32]
  •        Tank, Rainbow Dash’s turtle [27]
Strangely enough, Tank can communicate through a speaker attached to the bottom of his shell as he wears a fake beard next to a hologram of Pinkie Pie that partially reminds me of Twilight Sparkle’s future self from that episode of the second season of Friendship Is Magic [27] [50]. Nonetheless, I admire how he aims to teach Rainbow Dash that some problems can be solved with stillness and focus at a slow and steady pace. It sure is nice to witness a bigger variety of species in Ponyville aside from Discord, Spike and Bubbles as another sign of Pony Life potentially honouring the legacy of Friendship Is Magic, despite several notable differences between the two cartoons.
Giddy up, racing critters! Giddy up, racing critters! Giddy up, racing critters! Go, go, go [13]! [27]
Nice beard, Tank. And nice eye patch, Hologram of Pinkie Pie. [27]
I can still say that some of the supporting characters are well-portrayed in the show. Discord makes a grand return in Pony Life as one of those...potentially difficult customers who just will not answer Spike’s question [27]. I may be quite puzzled at how Princess Celestia’s tail does not flow majestically with her mane and how slightly unnerving it is to see her be more like a stern judge than a graceful ruler [24] [46], but I still would love to see her softer and more mother-like traits from Friendship Is Magic in another moment of Pony Life soon. Spike may have two different voice actresses for Pony Life [56] [57], similar to how Betina from Rayman: The Animated Series had three different voice actresses throughout that show’s short four-episode run [43], but I am aware that the little purple dragon’s traits are faithful to how he would usually be in Friendship Is Magic as he has provided two humourous moments of stubbing a toe after strutting whilst wearing sunglasses [27]. Yeah, our bronies and pegasisters know what he is like. For any unsatisfactory portrayals of supporting characters, we can always go back on how they were in Friendship Is Magic. 
Princess Celestia’s portrayal in Pony Life may be quite off-putting in Pony Life so far [24], but who knows? Perhaps Princess Luna will soon make an appearance in an episode of Pony Life and she can do the motherly honours for her older sister [37]? [24]
Are there any more new Pony Life exclusive characters? Well, there is a young male filly named “Smallfry” [40]. He sure is adorable and I guess it is nice to see that Rainbow Dash has another fan besides Scootaloo. Oh my Celestia! We finally get to see Potion Nova in Pony Life [28]! Her appearance and voice in the show are absolutely adorable, making her adaption from her toy in the Pony Life line worth it. It would make sense for making potions to be her game since “Potion Nova” is her name. Oh, and let us not forget about a gang of “alternative” ponies who meet Applejack with stern facial expressions and briefly remind me of the goth kids from South Park to a degree due to their dull colour schemes mane styles [30] [45] [48]. Who knows? Perhaps Cha Cha, the unicorn-horned llama might make an appearance in a possible second season before Generation 5 is established [29]. On the other hoof, it is probably best to not cram in so many new and familiar characters in one animated television series that is only meant to be based on filler between two generations of an iconic toy franchise.
[Potion Nova’s occupation must be very important in the Pony Life version of Equestria. It is no wonder Twily seemed so nervous and shattered into pieces. [27]]
As for the three “cool” ponies, do any of you think they are cool? If so, I guess that is cool. I am cool with that because tolerance is cool. [44]
I appreciate Pony Life’s signs of teaching young children of today important life lessons, along with its vibrant art style and exceptional humour. I can understand that the pace of the show might be a bit too swift for some of us [6] [7], but I am still fascinated with how it also consists of character designs that remind me of Generation 3.5 and the slice of life premise of My Little Pony Tales [15] [41]. Would any of you bronies and pegasisters describe My Little Pony: Pony Life as cute, sweet, magic, posh, fast and fun [33]? Could there be another season of Pony Life that consists of an episode featuring some aspects of the Equestria Girls franchise before the official establishment of Generation 5 [3] [18]? If not, there can be a second airing of the whole season that consists of fixed animation errors, similar to how some young characters wore bicycle helmets while riding their bikes in the edited version of the episode “Bicycles” from the first season of Peppa Pig [42]. While that might be quite unnecessary, I would still recommend Pony Life as proof of how Teen Titans GO should have been like a few years ago [53] [54]. Until then, everypony.
“Selfie!” [31]
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